Introduction It is I, The King!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Pegasi, Jul 22, 2008.

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  1. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    I've seen alot of established members posting long overdue intros and thought I'd crouchjump right on the bandwagon and get one in, seeing as I'm still relatively new. A lot of people don't know me yet as well, so read on..

    My name is Hamish, I'm 19 (for another month) and live in London, England most of the time. When I'm not there I'm up at university it Norwich, where I'm going into my second year of and English Lit degree. This is the main cause of my reported post length, so beware ye illiterate dawgs.
    I play guitar- blues, jazz, funk, metal, country and also play a little bass occasionally. I'm a gear freak, and have spent way too much money on my setup which includes an Ibanez RG-450 (japanese), Aria Les Paul (but with a freaky body shape), a couple of old starter guitars, and my ENGL 100watt Powerball Valve head. It currently runs through an old beat up bass cab because I can't afford the matching cab.
    I also love the Mighty Boosh if you didn't get the thread title.

    I play Halo more than any other game, pretty much exclusively of late, and its an old addiction. I got Halo CE after a while of owning my Xbox, it took me a while to give the game a chance and take it seriously. But shortly after I bought it I went away on family holiday to a small house on a barren island, with Halo as my only entertainment. I went from complete novice, through campaign on easy, normal, heroic, and just more than half way through legendary because it was all there was to do.
    I came back and owned the friends that had introduced me to the game, pretty satisfying, but they got as good as me pretty quickly. We played custom games for years, mostly 1v1s with one guy Jack. Never got to LAN play, so I'm still pretty used to splitscreen and will play it quite happily.
    I never got into Halo 2, I was too much of a small child pistol ***** who was happy to keep playing Halo 1, which I did for years. My only Halo 2 games were an occasional custom which I didn't enjoy, and one recent run in where I met one of my friends.
    I got to university and he was in the dorm room next door, I saw his xbox and asked if he played Halo. He smiled his intensely annoying, smug little smile and proceeded to 15-0 me on Halo 2. I got Halo 3 quickly afterward and realised that Live was what I had been missing out on. Basic training was so much fun, I was a noob with an AR but it didn't matter, cause I was still better than everyone I played. I played alot of social because me and my friends played as a team or did customs most of the time, and I was the only one who would pay for Live. My occasional ranked games got me my hallowed staff captain, which stood until me and the friend at uni I mentioned above decided to do some doubles work, getting me colonel in a few sessions. You'll see us in the upcoming 2v2 tournament.

    Forge didn't impress me at first, I found weapon and object placement alone pretty unappealing since I loved 2 weapon gametypes. But when the Heroic map pack became free I thought that playing around on Foundry was by far the most intelligent use of my time. Me and my brother stayed up late building a map, one that I still appreciate today despite its basic nature. The bungie humpday with FH had also directed me here, where I saw stuff that really showed me what was possible. I read through all the forging 101s and downloaded a few maps from the then recent 1v1 tournament. I made another map, a paintball style symmetrical thing, pretty basic, but my first attempt at interlocking and floating.
    After signing up for ForgeHub I thought I became more ambitious, spawning the projects I've posted here. I haven't started a new project properly as I'm trying to find inspiration for a map with really interesting gameplay, something that eludes me so far.
    #1 Pegasi, Jul 22, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2008
    Insane54 and Paralyzed King like this.
  2. !nikheizen

    !nikheizen Ancient
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    Haha, crouchjump... anyways, you put a lot of effort into this, very long winded.
    In a round-about way I'm saying that I didn't read it.
  3. Murdock Sampson

    Murdock Sampson Ancient
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    Hey wassup? Welcome to FH! Here are some helpful links... jk. Its nice to have some ppl who never intro'd to intro.
  4. The God of Grunge


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    lol, your from england, but captain america is your sig!
  5. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Hmm, good point. I may be from England but I still think Marvel kicks ass, even though CA isn't the best.
  6. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    Have you read Captain America lately?! The guy's dead, and it's still one of the best written comics out today. Ed Brubaker FTW!

    Oh, yeah - hai Pegasi!
  7. Knight Kninja

    Knight Kninja Ancient
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    good day. you better not post any maps without imbedding images. glad to have you here. and remember newbie, this is not B.NET forums!!!! lol i make myself giggle
  8. KB

    KB Ancient
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    Pegasi whats up? Lol already loyal...
    Knight Kninja likes this.
  9. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    i havent been here long but i thought i kinda knew everyone, then one day your name popped up as loyal and i realized i hadent seen you before

  10. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    Hey! A new memb...wait...Loyal...plz dun't ban me k?
  11. Mallet

    Mallet Ancient

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    Yes yes yes yes boosh for the win have my rep good sir. Us english srsly are taking over this forum.

    edit: OMG where has rep gone. NOOO
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