We realize that you keep deleting your post and reposting to bump it up. I hope you also realize that moderators and admins can see your deleted posts, right in succession, one after the other.
looks like a nice small map, i've seen many like it, and it may have a akward gameplay but you did good on the interlocking
This map looks really good, I love the cylindrical shape to it. It looks great for really small parties, but, It also looks a bit cramped.
Woody, you need to stop posting maps at like 3 in the morning. Anyway, the map is a bit cramped but that makes it so you have to think about where you are going, and it is still easy to manuever around. Overall, a good map. I was thinking that you should add a fourth floor if that is possible. And did you change the spawn time for the mauler and overshield? Uhh, yeah I would probobly stop deleting your post and posting again, as the mods can see it and you have already been warned.
um yeah i did that like once and it was by mistake. i just already had a double post and a triple post from the first day i joined when i didnt know what that was
yeah it was just like once or twice. I noticed it cause you had the same thing that you had posted like 5 hours ago and then it said it was posted 1 minute ago. So, did you change the repawn times?
im not sure what they were when we played but i know the mauler spawn i made longer and think i made the overshield longer.
nice map i like smaller maps so i will check it out cause it reminds me of thesilencebrokens maps but ill check it out im sure its amazing
thanks and a v2 is on the way im trying to thing of a way to make a 4th level, although i cant go any higher. teleporter, perhaps
I'm gonna download this, for sure, it is so original, I've never though of an cylinder shaped map, and your Forging is so accurate! 5/5 From me.
i like thes map. a good 1 on 1 map is always fun. nice job on the inerlocking. very original. i like the top level the most. Is it easy and effective to jump up to the next level with the doors?
yes i found out through testing that the doors were the best way to get up to the next level, and their height makes it easy to jump onto them and then onto the next floor