Im in need of a Forgehub partner in the 2 vs 2 tourny. Imma Brigadier thats 49 in TS. Im looking for someone thats actually good and has a 45+ skill level and a good record. Feel free to FR me on Live. I take it most already know my gt, but for those wo dont..... gt: Xanon
KK im a good forger but im not a Lv 45+ im a 23 in td i would love to be a forge partner me gamer tag "Khala Warrior55
Seeing as alot of people don't have partners, is there a possibility of a partner finding thread? I think lots of people would find it useful and it would increase the number of possible teams if we did it now, giving people time to work out their team. It could be a thread where Free Agents put themselves up for offer, but I'd suggest people try game sessions before deciding to make sure you work well as a team.