The Last Stand

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Sev, Jul 22, 2008.

  1. Sev

    Sev Ancient
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    The Last Stand
    Created by K Kash05

    Supported Gametypes:

    Map Description
    The Last Stand is one of the few unique infection were basically all you have to do is slaughter the humans, or slaughter the zombies. Although it may not seem unique at first, it is. The Last Stand is on the Sandtrap map, and truly takes use of all it forging abilities, when you first spawn as a human, you feell that you in a rag tag base and the detail truly says that. This truly is The Last Stand.


    1. The Zombie Spawn. If you can't tell where it is, it's left of the structure in the next picture.

    2. The main structure, also the human starting base. I attemtped to make it look like a Church of sorts, or a Holy Relic.

    3. The entrance to the base. The one and only entrance.

    4. Beyond that box, is a turrent, two turrents actually. Death may occur to the infected.

    5. View from behind the turrent, now showing some of the detail I put into this map.

    6. Looking behind the turrent, now showing even more detail.

    7. Moving forward, now showing the last turrent, ready for the last stand.

    8. Left of the turrent.

    9. Right of the turrent.

    10. Wider view of the turrent and its surroundings.

    11. New Entrance. Quite difficult to open.

    12. Another new entrance. Quite difficult to open to, only if you hit it at the right angle.

    13. Above the base, inside a sniper outpost. I tried to put a lot of detail into this, also weapons.

    14. A far look of the phantom. There's a ew weapons inside, no spoilers. Wait, is that a ghost I see?

    15. The drop pod area from a far. Nothing much to spoil.

    16. Sanctuary. The Elephant. Loaded with weapons. What's that to the right!?

    17. Another view of the elephant. Pay no attention to the thing at the bottom. Also last picture, for now.

    Key of the picture angles.


    V 1.0: Release
    V 1.1: New entrances added to the base. Sentinel beams removed.

    Feel free to try this map, and write reviews of your own! Thanks!

    Download The Last Stand
    Download Zombies
    #1 Sev, Jul 22, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2008
  2. El1te Shad0w

    El1te Shad0w Ancient
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    click link in my sig. . .
  3. Bloumbas

    Bloumbas Ancient
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    dont worry bra its hard to post your first time
    it took me forever
  4. Sev

    Sev Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I told you I was getting pictures xD

    I have 17 of them, putting them in now.

    Edit: Done.
    #4 Sev, Jul 22, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2008
  5. H3 Crimson

    H3 Crimson Ancient
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    I had a hard time posting first as well. Their should be a full tutorial.
  6. Mini Rhino2k8

    Mini Rhino2k8 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Errrr Nice idea stealing my map name and change it to The Last Stand and mine was The Final Stand.

    Way to go....

  7. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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    Most of your pictures aren't working. Save them from and then upload them to photobucket. Then copy the IMG bar under each one and it will show up when you paste it in your post.
  8. Sev

    Sev Ancient
    Senior Member

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    They just stopped working. Im to tired to upload right now, Ill just make them links for the moment.

    Edit: The links don't work either. I must apologize but it's way past my bed time. I'll re upload the link tomorow. Deepest apologies.

    Er, wut? This map has been in production since I got Halo 3. Possibly the same idea, eh. Awesome name altogether :]

    Edit again: I tried to download them, the images are saying "Image not found" on the site to, maybe it'll work in a few hours.

    Images have finally been reuploaded to Photobucket, in bigger and in larger quality, thanks for waiting. Also added a key for the pictures.
    #8 Sev, Jul 22, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2008
  9. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    Hey its nice to see and old map finally!But this is in the wrong forums.This forum is for competetive maps liek Slayer or CTF.This map should be in Casual Maps.To move it there just Private Message moderator ,even staff,or journalist to move it for you.

    Now onto the map.The Holy Relic feel is definately there and is a really nice touch to a map.The base inside though looks too one-sided.In other words it looks like if a zombie walks in they will get trampeled with turrets ,weapon,explosions.I hope there is another way in beside the first entrance to prevent that and the zombies quitting.And I think thees a little too much weapons in the main base.

    If you want people to leave that base you need to limit weapons and ammo.Think if you had alot of weapons and equipment would you leave to go get other things.Probally not.Sojust clean that up a bit to get the Last Stand feel.I really like how you scattered stuff aroudn the map for people who like to wander.Thats a great little effect.The scorpion though might be hard to get to and could be overpowering in a gmae.So just test that.

    Well nice map and can't wait to see more fomr you in the future.
  10. Sev

    Sev Ancient
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    Thank you very much!

    The main entrance, and the only one is actually very easy to get pass. I tested it to make, sure two, guy on the turrent shooting at me. If you move the box with you it provides excellent cover. Although I like the idea of side entrances and I'll see if I can work on those.

    The weapons in this map do not respawn. Ever. Thats how I force people to get out of the base, in fear of running out of ammo. There may seem like there is a lot of ammo, but run out with 5 minutes. I'll reduce some of the weapons and see how it feels or how it work out, maybe even add a 3 minute time.

    Oh, the scorpion is hard to get to for a reason. It actually not to overpowered once you get it and it's very easy to take down if your a zombie.
    Playerhata27 likes this.
  11. Metallic Snake

    Metallic Snake Ancient
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    this looks like it would be ok for infection, plenty of weapons, however, could mean a long frustrating game for the zombies
  12. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    there is only one entrance? and two turrets camp it?
    that seems very overpowering for the humans
  13. Saint Prodigy

    Saint Prodigy Ancient
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    looks very last standish. its a traditional infection map stack a bunch of equipment and guns in a corner, create a zombie and see what happens.
  14. Murdock Sampson

    Murdock Sampson Ancient
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    One equation for you: lots of weapons/armories+vehicles+turrets+one/few entrances to beat the turret from=zombie slaughter=alpha gets annoyed=people quit. it looks nice but i'd cut back on the weapondry. good attention to detail, poor attention to gameplay. i wouldn't know because i haven't played this one specifically, but i've played many others like it
  15. Sev

    Sev Ancient
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    As said before, the entrance to the base is a box, you can use the box to your advantage by using it as cover as you move to it. Many zinbues have killed the survivors right off the start.

    Also as said before the weapons do not respawn. And many people don't realise it. Many people rip off the turrents as well, the only thing with unlimited ammo.

    Im working on a new version as we speak. More entrances, but slightly harder then the main one.
  16. Mini Rhino2k8

    Mini Rhino2k8 Ancient
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    Since i see the Screens are working may i say very good map but one entrance and two turrets guarding?

  17. GoodWhaleSushi

    GoodWhaleSushi Ancient
    Senior Member

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    That's fine.
    PS: Your last response made me lol.
  18. Savagesound

    Savagesound Ancient
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    not bad

    You should make the armory a little well accually dont make a armory and make weapons spread out so the humans have to move and not camp and give all the weopons almost no ammo, it keeps people on the move or they die and so they dont camp, i tryed it and it works and the zombies have a better chance.
  19. Murdock Sampson

    Murdock Sampson Ancient
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    aight thats goood. it just seems like my experience regardless of weapon amounts, turrets and armories are the most fun thing unless there's like a strong alpha zombie or something like that.
  20. Sev

    Sev Ancient
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    V 1.1 has been released. New entrances added. (Screenshots 10 and 11)

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