Download: Clicky Phordain v2 coming soon to Xbox 360's near you! about: This is Phordain, an asymmetric competitive map. The map took awhile to make and has had much thought put into it. It changes slightly when playing symmetric or asymmetric gametypes, as the screenshots will show. Lists: Weapons: Assault Rifle x2-20s-2 extra clips Battle Rifle x8-30s-2 extra clips Brute Shot x2-45s-2 extra clips Carbine x4-30s-2 extra clips Energy Sword x1-180s Magnum x2-20s-2 extra clips Mauler x2-45s-1 extra clip Plasma Pistol x2-20s Plasma Rifle x4-30s **Rockets x1-180s-1 extra clip[SYMMETRIC GAMETYPES ONLY]** Sniper Rifle x2 150s-2 extra clips **Spartan Laser x1-180s[ASYMMETRIC GAMETYPES ONLY]** Spikers x2-30s-2 extra clips Equipment: Active Camo x1-180s **Bubble Shield- Blue base has one during symmetric gametypes, red base has one during asymmetric gametypes**-45s Grav Lift x1-45s Overshield x1-180s **Power Drain- Blue base has one during asymmetric gametypes, red base has one dureing symmetric gametypes**-45s Regenerator x1-45s Gametypes: Assault Capture the Flag Free For All King of the Hill Oddball Slayer Territories Now for the good stuff! SCREENSHOTS! [captions below screens] Blue base/Active camo Symmetric Red base/Overshield Asymmetric Red base Red base Sniper Tower Blue base Sniper Tower Red's sniper Blue's sniper Misc. Ascetic tower Rocket Spawn/ Spartan Laser Spawn Energy Sword Spawn/Movable Merging! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for looking at my new map! and a big thanks to OwlWolf, for ideas and company lulz
Doesn't look like it has any unique-ness to it. Not to mention it can be just a tad unbalanced with one side has an overshield and the other active camo.
wow the bases look really nice. it looks like a pretty sweet game to play with friends. you should make an mlg version of it
haha thanks when im not tired of forging, i will do that just have to find out what needs to go/stay hahaa
hmmm. . . moveable merging. . . interesting pm me what this means. but anyhow looks great very good 4/5
well its a new thing where you merge movable objects into the ground pretty nifty technique thanks for figuring that out Hoff!! and thanks for the compliment
i like the map but i would add more cover to it for more fun and also i do like this map it is well made good job
well really there is tons of cover i am going to get a map overview shot when i get off of work in like 2 hours =DD haha
This is a very well made, fun map with excellent interlocking and geoglitching. It was very well tested and thought through (I helped test) and I recommend this map to everyone who sees this map ever Great work on a great map!
thank you very much for the testing, it helped alot and also thanks for the comment, i am glad you liked it
The layout of the map I cannot understand. It's different for both sides, and this map is much too overpowered because of the rockets and sword, It sometimes seemed to me and you added double boxes into places they did not need to be. I really have never seen a map like this before, so I cannot relate to the gameplay I might experience playing it, I cannot decide if I like it or if I don't... So i leave you with this rating 4/5...
haha well it is ASYMMETRIC which means not the same on both sides however it is balanced and what makes it overpowering having rockets and sword? im working a V2 so if you have suggestions for different weapons please tell me it isnt my strong point =/ seriously try the map out gameplay is great thanks!
i like but the bases dont have no cover at all also i agree the camo and oversheild can make it unbalanced and unfair.
Looks very pretty. 9/10. i remember testing this map. doesn't seem like you changed much but it didn't have that many problems. nicely done... keep forging
yeah, this is only v1, working on a v2 that will be much better i might get a v1.5 out that has better weapons/equipment v2 will have some structural changes if you have ANY suggestions please tell me thanks all! ~InferiorPigeon
It's too basic and needs more cover. I think you concentrated on getting interlocking and layout too much before you could add detail.