My goal is to make awesome screenshots without stupid explosions a custom game system link my friends thought i was a crappy driver even though i have not met a better driver to date. i want to see how louieblack drives till then i'll have to wait here is my picture CHASED I'm the driver in the front hog and that is my third gunner. I have like 5 gunners. He is the third best of all five. KillerKlemmy is the best.
thats a pretty cool picture that you took. its cool how you took it close to the worthog. on the side note i think you signiture is to big and i suggest you resize it.
um i don't have a sig my friend made that and uploaded it i just realized that i had it so i deleted it
Very nice pic You took the pic nicely by taking it close to one warthog with the other one in the background.. Very effective Good job!
its not staged did you read the top? it was a sys link 2v3 me and my gunner vs 3 friends from school nope not staged