Wraith Sumo Wrestling Map

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by CHIGGUMS, Jul 20, 2008.


    CHIGGUMS Ancient
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    Sumo Wrestling


    It's On!


    Obviously, it was very late and I was very sleep deprived when I came up with the concept for this map.

    At any rate, the premise of the game is a territories match in which two people spawn on a large, circular platform, each next to a Covenant wraith tank. (Any extra players spawn in a spectator's area where they can't interfere. Vehicles are indestructible anyway, so don't waste time trying to board your enemy. I can't stand people who even try.)

    Chillin' in the Spectator's Box

    The single territory stays contested until one of the players manages to push the other out - thereby winning the round and laughing as his opponent falls four stories to an embarrassing defeat. The gametype is set up so that you need at least five wins out of nine rounds.


    Hahaha! Long Way Down!


    Ever just get really frustrated with matchmaking and wish for a good custom game for you and your buddies to blow off some steam in? This is that game. Sumo Wrestling is endlessly fun, surprisingly intense, and takes next to no skill. (Perfect for me, lolol)
    You can Download the map here - http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=45576259

    And Download the gametype here - http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=45576283
    And let me know all about your Sumo Wrestling exploits!

    [EDIT] In any gametype other than territories, the spawn points in the ring DO NOT EXIST. MUST BE PLAYED WITH CORRECT CUSTOM GAMETYPE LOCATED ABOVE. I don't know how many times I have to tell you, but you can't have one without the other. Some people just don't get it...
    #1 CHIGGUMS, Jul 20, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2008
  2. stin10

    stin10 Ancient
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    looks cool, theres a ghost sumo map out there somwhere, but using the wraith seems better, does the game consider you in a territory even though your in a vehicle
  3. StreetSoccer12

    StreetSoccer12 Ancient
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    You really need to interlock those box's I think, but the map looks really fun! Really original idea.
  4. cakeChart

    cakeChart Ancient
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    Looks fun, but not worth the dl for my taste. Sorry.
  5. phillipinoJ

    phillipinoJ Ancient
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    The sumo platform looks sturdy but how are you supposed to score? My friend made a sumo map like this outside of Standoff so that if you fall off the other guy scores. Other then that your map looks very simple yet sturdy.
  6. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    This seems like it belongs in the mini game section you might want to ask a mod to move it for you. I like sumo games though I alsways lose though. : [
  7. sexy dude

    sexy dude Ancient
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    this is a cool map it reminds me of the ghost one i would get really piossed of thought if the wraiths wern't instant respawn
  8. Murdock Sampson

    Murdock Sampson Ancient
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    yeah it does. lol wraith sumo. looks fun! nice job with the map. they just released an announcement about need for minigame-type stuff, and this is pretty much a mini-game. looks fun
  9. Ali Legend

    Ali Legend Ancient
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    I like the idea and all but it seems that only 2 players are actually 'playing' at a time, which would be boring for others. Still for a bit of fun with a guest or what have you, I guess it'd be a laugh.
  10. stone0043

    stone0043 Ancient
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    they asked for mini games, and you delivered. looks like a great map, and very original idea.
  11. mitona

    mitona Ancient
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    awesome idea. you should make one where there's a death barrier underneath it so once they fall they die and you could have multiple rounds. 8/10
  12. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    not very original except for the wraith part
    nice try with the map though, and the spectators box (though very small) looks very eat with its interlocked bridges

    CHIGGUMS Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thnx for feedback!

    I'm glad to hear you guys like it, however, it seems there are a few things that I did not make clear in the original post or just need to elaborate on.

    1. Yes, it is unbelievably boring for anyone not in the ring. I only ever pull this map out when I'm in a party with one other guy.

    2. You play it with a land grab-like territories gametype. Nine rounds. Both spawn inside the ring, contesting from the start. When one falls out, the other captures the territory, immediately moving on to the next round.

    3. Yes, it would be more aesthetically pleasing to have interlocked boxes, but I believe it is not worth the trouble, and here's why.
    - This ring is huge. Lining up that many objects, and on three different axes four stories up... do I have to say any more?
    - The outside of the ring is made up of staircases, which in my experience, do not merge well, and after taking off the distance that used to be in between the boxes, you are left with... well, I'm honestly not sure what it would like. But it wouldn't be good.
    - The entirety of the game is spent inside the wraiths. Wraiths float. Now, I'm sure interlocking would make the ride smoother, but that is the last thing you should pay attention to mid-battle, and I personally have never noticed any substantial interference.

    4. mitona, you read my mind. I do regret that I started this map back before Blackout was released, a map not only with a death barrier, but almost every object available in Foundry and then some. We all know the Forge desperately needs a major overhaul, but one addition that Bungie probably hasn't consided is an adjustable death barrier. An immovable object that resembles a respawn area but instead kills anything that touches it! World, this is the beginning of our glorious campaign to add a Bottomless Mist Tool to the forge!
    And finally, I leave you with a small challenge. One thing I really wanted to do was merge each of the wraiths with at least one blue shield door, a creation that would make the tanks bounce off of each other in wierd and exciting ways! Sadly, the proper technique, if it exists, still eludes me. If any of you figure it out, or have done it on a different map, send it to my gamertag - CHIGGUMS - and I will be more than happy to add the new version to my original post.

    And Happy Wrestling!
  14. thebeastlyboy15

    thebeastlyboy15 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow. Just Wow.
    This map is amazing. (not kidding)
    The idea is awesome.

    btw, downloading now
  15. Honoredgod

    Honoredgod Ancient
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    I don't like it
  16. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Try making another version, do you see the other side of the Double Boxes? That side is much smother and some interlocking would be nice!
  17. Metallic Snake

    Metallic Snake Ancient
    Senior Member

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    this looks pretty simple, but interesting. box flipping and interlocking would make everything looks nicer however
  18. The Nasal Abyss x

    Senior Member

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    Looks like it is fun, but how do you get others to do it?

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