OMG! coagulation was my favorite halo 2 map EVER nd i love this idea nd how the whole post is just a pic lol. but i wouldnt call what i did with my buds was "hog wars" i would say wut i did was Tank wars... well, actually i would always get the rockets and blow thm all up and the tank nd rush to the other tank in my banshee nd wen i got it i would always find thm up on tht ledge in the cave until i went in there nd got stuck sometimes XD but at the end of every game i would end up with 50 nd they would have like 5... good times lmao!
Looks good I had fun with hog wars on coagulation on halo 2, but is it the same? I mean by did you make any changes at all?
So in this map all you do is just smash each other with warthogs .. I mean am i the only one who doesn't like it? I don't want to seem mean but its a very boring idea i personally think .. And how do you win/lose?