haha your spelling there failed too. anyway back on topic every1. there is no shotty or hammer on this map
I haven't potsed on this thread in weeks. I kindly reviewed curbstomp for my review and that was all. there was some dispute of competitve weaponary but no heated arguements or real problems. Also that was weeks ago. I just received neg rep on this thread out of nowhere, pretty random . Comment was: Doesn't realize how halo is played, even tho i most likely know tons more about competitve play than whoever wrote this uncalled for neg rep. Really unappreciated and i hope the person that did that gets the same rep back
despite the dispute revolving around you and i, id like to clearly state that i dont just hand out negative rep.
u or whoever it was the rep was uncalled for and completely out of line. I did nothing wrong and just because someone doesn't agree with something I say or put I my review doesn't mean bad rep. shame on the bad rep giver
Looks amazing. Very good interlocking and geometry. My favorite part is the bridge support beams. 5/5
ive never seen a map with such height, and nice little touches that work well, coming back to it, the tower looks a little industrial ish looking ishy, ish. i obviously dont know what im talking about. fantastic map, i like the way the sniper spawns standing up too.
This is my 2nd favorite map made by you blaze. (Bayonetwork doesn't count since it was made by thesilencebroken and you =P) The thing I like about this map the most I think is actually how good I am with the carbine on it. xD This is like the only map that I'm really good with it...for some reason. Multi-Team was pretty fun for this map, though, a rare few times people would spawn right in front of you. o_o I think it's best to avoid multi-team (though it was fun)... and like thesilencebroken said, this map is awesome for Shotty Snipes. =D The spawning is pretty good too. I like spawning up top. But the only thing that could be cheap about it is if it was on BR starts (not all that much, but still they have a better chance on staying up there if they have a BR instead of an AR). It also looks really nice. (layout wise) I think this is my favorite big asymmetrical map to date. 5/5 for you. =]
thank you for the detailed comment.. and sry it took me so long to get back to you.. i just got it in time for it not to be a necro post tho :-D i have a map coming out greatly inspired by this since i was so disapointed int his not getting featured so sook out for that b4 september.
wow dude this map looks AWESOME! i love the fence wall platform with the BR, and also the use of the bridges with the stairs makes it looks really cool. The interlocking and geomerging look very clean and tidy, and the arched bridges just look awesome. I vote this map for a featured map. Great Map Dude! 10/5
Putting shield doors in the pipes is a great idea, nice on that. This map is great for a 4 person + FFA. I D/Led earlier and played earlier but I didn't have an account to post on it. I need to look at some of your other maps. They're all great. 5/5.
It's fine, with this map, it should be ok to be necro'd. xD (I know, you've showed me) ...I'm also working on a somewhat map inspired by curbstomp.
your map name is vicious as all hell. way to utilize the front bases. can you get up on those high platforms? i see an open box up there which makes me think 'yes' but you don't have any actions shots up there, so im not sure. looks like some serious effort, nonetheless. nice job.
you have to spawn up on the high plat forms.. there are no weapons over up there or very much space to go.. but its a safe spawn. it should be but its not. lol and i just got this1 in time as well haha.. i saw the map your working on and its pretty awesome so far.. cant wait to see the new additions.