Operation "SIN"

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by casabolg, Jan 22, 2008.

  1. casabolg

    casabolg Ancient
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    LOG --- 1-22-YEAR UNKNOWN

    It all started with that part of the UNSC...the 68th Infantry came in to our small reconnaissance fort to dump things that were "not of our concern"... those barrels... The Doctor worked on the beachline on a new weapon, one to obliterate the Flood from long distances. But those barrels infected him. He came to the fort wall in the middle of the night. He did not speak. We opened it, he was our friend after all...we thought he was. He ripped right through Richard's armour... chewed on his neck. We tried to save Richard but only loss more and more...We killed all we could before they went away. Richard, the Doctor, my friends, they were all one of them.
    The 68th...they came again. We told them but...they didn't believe us. They said it was the heat. Those filthy men...they wanted to see our plumbing. They wanted to see our tubes, what gives us water. We turned on our sinks after they left and brown slime poured out. We knew it was the same thing that were in those barrels. They wanted us dead. We were fed up with them! We broke the pipes through the fort wall itself... and put our propane tanks in them. They try to do that us and we will severe it forever!!
    In two months we had another meeting with the Doctor, and with Richard, we got to see all of our old friends again. We slaughtered them all. Crushed their skulls under our boots. I know lack of water, lack of sleep, does things to your mind...but I can't sleep. That same doctor, his bloodshot eyes staring through my closed eyelids. Always. To see them fall into his own skull...it was exhilarating. We left one alive. We left Richard alive and bound him to a wall.
    The 68th came the next day. Said they'd leave a man here to camp outside the fort wall in a cavern. We let them go, we smiled as they passed and didn't ask questions. That night we let the man in...we let him in the back, we locked him with Richard as we all looked on... his screams quieted. He finally knew our pain. You will take the blame for all 68th had done to us.
    After that man died we covered the room with bombs...they will never be a problem again. After his death...we thought it was over. We thought we were done but in three days I saw those same bloodshot eyes. They weren't the doctors. My friends got thirsty. They drunk the slime. god, god, why...I walked into our lookout...and they were eating each other. Then they came after me. I ran and I hid until they were stopped. There were twenty of us left.
    We f-f-fought them back...but more came. From across the lake, from down the mountains...we don't know how but they were here!! Alice, my wife, died in our lookout tower... those damn monsters!!!! Her face scarred and bruised, her eyes... [MUMBLING, CRYING] She was all I had left... and I couldn't save her...no...those monsters cornered Xiong to the bunker where he killed himself. He strapped Fusion Coils to himself...ripped a hole through the bunker to the outside...the fool...more and more died. We fought on, losing our bullets as they kept coming....[HYPERVENTILATED]
    It's been two months. Why...why us? We-we've barricaded ourself for our last stand. These bastards took everything I had. Everything I need. The UNSC is against us. Why? WHY!?....but suddenly it stopped...the monsters...they sat at the end of the beach. They did not move. We were too scared to do anything. We sat and stared at them. We kept our sniper atop the wall to watch them. Nothing. Nothing at all...for three weeks.
    We've barricaded ourself in our main room and tried to make contact... There was no one to help us. We set up teleporters, barricades, whatever we could to spend the time. The more we had time to think, the more our mind wandered from the truth. We are doomed. But... we will fight. They want
    Today...hahahah, I can't sleep... I can't cry... Alice. I sent you to Heaven. Now please, please, let me sleep!! [CRYING]
    What was that?


    Hello this is my map Outbreak for gametype V-680, a Save One Bullet variant. Personally, I don't want to detail each and every detail in the map, I thought it would be easier to give info in a colourful way so the story above was written. That should detail most of the unique placements and weapon spots in the game, including the sniper's spawn.

    I would like to go over a couple things though:
    -This is not fast zombies. This is 90% speed, 50% zombies (because all that armour has to help the zombie out somehow) and neither side, zombies nor humans have the ability to jump. Zombies because of lack of proper motor skills and humans to they don't get on that frikin missile launcher.

    -I'll give you a quick run through of the main trail you can go as the humans. You spawn in the main room where Daniel Fisher was talking from in the story. Every side is barricaded but the door beside the metal fence and the first door on the left once you get through the main gate are permeable. The one next to the fence has pallets the zombies can break through and the door to the left has single crate to simply walk through. You can gather weapons and fight for as long as you can but once you feel overpowered go through the teleporter upstairs. I would like to note this is a one-way teleporter. You teleport to a room far in the back, head up the stairs and around the pipe (roadblocks should be there to help guide you) and would lead you to the room in the map's center. You are protected from all sides except for the bridge while you're in there. Hold yourself there and keep fire on the bridge. You can stumble across other items from places mentioned in the story, or just by coming across them randomly.

    -NO extra clips for any weapon found on the ground and NO weapon respawns. You can run out of firepower easily. Make the best of it.

    -At the zombie's entryway with the pallets, look directly above the pallets.



  2. casabolg

    casabolg Ancient
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    This is my first map debuted on Forgehub.
    I'm sure you guys alot better stuff.
    I just wanted to try to go for a horror feel for my favourite map.
  3. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    We are not bn.net forums so please read teh stickied topic on how to properly post and never ever double post. I understand that you are new here, so please adjust your post, thanks!
  4. !nikheizen

    !nikheizen Ancient
    Senior Member

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    you need to fix your post,
    try imbedding screenshots of your map to garner more attention
    imbedding is as easy as
    also the links to your map don't work, try
    i.e http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=16768007
    insert a [ before the /url] to make it:

    to get screenshots of your map play a game on it, then go to saved films in the recent films section play the film of your map then press "X" to bring up the action bar, use the d-pad to select the camera icon and that will make a screenshot of your map then take them off bungie.net and use photo bucket to upload them onto the internet.
    I'm sorry if this sounds condescending, and I do not hope to give that impression.
    do this and your map should be a presentable post in no time.
  5. Shock Theta

    Shock Theta Father of 4chub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Loved your introductory piece of fiction to set up the map. For that I went in and fixed your links to make them work and be pretty. You still need to put up some screenshots though. Do so and I may well try this out.. such is the power of your words...
  6. El Leone

    El Leone Ancient
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    Interesting introductory piece, needs some paragraphing here and there to stop it being a "wall of text". Somehow, I think these efforts will probably be ignored (or even frowned upon) at Bungie forums, but hey, that's why you're here.

    So I downloaded and checked your map out, generally, everything is okay. The biggest thing that stood out to me was spawn points, as there is not enough there to support a game full of 16 players or so. Weapon balance seems to be alright, although I think you should either move or remove the Spartan Laser as it's fairly close to the survivors. May be worth bumping up the respawn times on the power weapons so that the survivors don't camp all the time. Most of your item placement is alright, some places look slightly untidy however they should perform how they're intended to do.

    In terms of originality, I probably wouldn't rate this map that highly. Although, you've obviously put allot of thought and effort into the map and gametype, so good job.
  7. casabolg

    casabolg Ancient
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    Thank you El Leone and Shock Theta.
    That small story took about 20 minutes from original idea to last word.
    But as for the map I thank you again El Leone for looking at the map. I'll get to work on it later tonight and get a few (very uninteresting) screenshots. I tried not to have much stuff in the way so there isn't much to take pictures of.

    As for now though, I might as well allow some proper english and separate the story into paragraphs.

    Small question to Leone though, you looked at the map and thought it was okay. What was your thoughts of actually playing it? Did you have a chance to?
  8. Crocdude3

    Crocdude3 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    map was removed i would like to download this map
  9. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
    Senior Member

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    At least you made a nice write up now all you need are visuals and your set.

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