Map Title: Monitorium The monitor spotlight scared me so I gave it a room... Designed specifically for standard Slayer or Team Slayer gametypes. Download the Monitorium Map Description: Monitorium is like a Cold Storage deluxe! The normal ramps in the main room now have an extra ramp at the top which leads to an entirely new room near the spotlight monitor (hence the name "Monitorium"). Two Energy Swords and a high vantage point will entice players here but danger is always present, especially from enemies flying in from a side Mancannon entrance. There's also an energy chute on one end of the room which can slide players down to the Rockets. Even more added weapons and platforms throughout the map add variety and depth. Check out the small room where the Shotgun normally spawns. That room now has a Stairway and Gravity Lift leading to a secret stash at the top. I'll leave that for you to discover. (hint: It's not a pot of gold). The new "Monitorium" room! Stairway to the Secret Stash Download the Monitorium Map Feedback is welcome! There's always room for improvement!
I will give a DL. This is pretty awesome map especially Cold Storage. It could use some work though as far as gameplay goes.
cool thought on the whole 'adding to a map' idea i'd have to see the whole map but it looks pretty cool good job on the new map. keep up the good forging
I'm not going to download, it's just that there's only 2 pics. Though, it actually looks pretty sweet, up there with the big Moniter.
Uh, I just wrote a huge page review of this map only to find my internet failed before I pressed post and lost it all, Anyway Ill miniview it This overall idea is great, We won't see much more inovative structural changes on Cold storage soon so we should embrace them when possible - The whole new floor is such an awesome idea I have never even skimmed the idea of that so congratulations on that job, However the sword placement for me makes this map not worthy of a competetive map to be honest the whole map isn't really competetive style (2 swords within jumping distance = shocking imo) If you redone this map I would most certainly keep it. I think interlocking the small gaps between each floor where they groove and adding weapons to support the major structural changes would benefit this map so much and possibly taking it one step further and Making more structural changes in each section of the map making it a whole new cold storage, Thats my input anyway Lots of love Chicken Dippah
from the pictures, it only looks like you added the steps and the platform. based on wat u made 3.5/5