Hi I am new here and bad at forge, but I was playing a map called flaming ninja challenge ( http://www.forgehub.com/forum/casual-maps/21386-flaming-ninja-challenge.html ) and in one part there is a bridge angled down so when you go on it you slide. I was thinking if someone could ge tout of the map and put like 8 or more of these bridges in a row you could slide down it and maybe add small ramps or something. I tried making it, but being a forge noob i couldn't and i just got very angry and frustrated but maybe someone here can. edit: also I just tried deleting the teleporters on that ninja map and sliding down it on a wood pallet and it worked, so that could make it more like snowboarding. regular sliding is also very fun though, especially if you turn your body while doing it, it feels more liek you're carving. :squirrel_grouphug:
i cool idea, sounds really fun, im looking forward in seeing the final version, but i was thinking, the only reason is because it on a high angle that you cant walk on, and if you tried to make a map it wouldnt fit because of foundries roof but if you did it on a curv im sure it will work so good luck
it wouldn't be on foundry it would be on a map you can get out of the barrier with no ceiling like standoff or blackout.
It'd be cool if you slid down and then a ramp jumped you toward some scoring whatevarness, which you'd have to aim to hit to get points or something. Like a VIP kind of thing. I'd make it myself but I'm not so good at getting out of maps.
good idea. It would be easy to do, its jsut hard to get the ramps perfectly lined up but would probly be easier if you had 2 people so one could watch from another angle.
Good for minigame. Two players spawn at the top, and snowboard thier way down trying to cap as many territories as they can. At the bottom is a ramp with man cannons that launches them to another territory that is in the air and then on off the cliff for both to die to end the round. Very simple game and could be a lot of fun. Hell if you make it big enough you could probably get 4-6 people going down, or even 8 with 4 teams of two. Blackout or Avalanche would be your best bet. Also, best way to get the ramps lined up is to do the whole thing in local. If you need another viewpoint use another controller. Once you get one box/bridge/whatever lined up on the angle you want the rest should come easy. The hard part will be setting up the small jumps on the way down so that you don't get hung up on any of them.
Sounds a little like a map way before the heroic map pack called slip and slide and it was very fun, so this should be a lot better. I personally think you should do it on Avalanche.
How would I slide? EDIT: Lol, never mind. Sounds like a great idea, especially on Avalanchelike Waylander said.
If none of you build it by the time I finish my current project, I'll take a crack at it with you Port. Just cause I want to see this built.
You need one person to get on a turret and the other picks up the person in article mode and holds them up and push's them upward.
My money is on Blackout. There is a lot of verticle space to play around with there. The double boxes in the following image are still about 3-4 double boxes below the instant death ceiling, ..so you can see an estimate of the amount of space you have (I'm not sure the location on the lower death barrier, though..) I made the map port11 mentioned in the first post of this thread. To get the slope steep enough for a player to slide down, I stacked 2 stairwells on top of eachother, and then placed a bridge on top of that. The bridge was at the proper steepness (it might be possible you don't need it that steep, but it was an easy way for me to get an angle that worked).
did you do the thing where you hold the stairs in the spot you want it, then save changes and end the game, and then put another stairs case and save and end the game, and then put the bridge on?
Well. I put a double box at where I expected the lowest spot on the ramp to be (and locked it in place by savings and quiting). That gave me something solid to build on. So when I put the first stairs, I put it on the double box and didn't have to save/quit. Same with the second stairs and bridge.
I have the exact question. If you get out of the map does it keep you from getting back in? If it did there are so many possablities. A floating structure with no space limits would be great1 Somebody please answer our question.
It would become a button mashing contest. If you rapidly crouch you go faster, and can sometimes jump.