Death Story Part 2

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Big Boy 2013, Jul 21, 2008.


What do you grade this map?

  1. 5/5 Perfect

    0 vote(s)
  2. 4/5 Great

    1 vote(s)
  3. 3/5 Ok

    1 vote(s)
  4. 2/5 Needs work

    0 vote(s)
  5. 1/5 Not good

    0 vote(s)
  1. Big Boy 2013

    Big Boy 2013 Ancient
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    First there was Protection, then there was Destruction.
    Created by Big Boy 2013
    If you have not seen Part 1, recommended you see it if you want to know the story, and want more info.
    Five years after Team ALBATROSS and team ALPHA left the icy planet, and annialated all the Gralle that found its way on earth, they found a way to finnaly destroy the remaining Gralle. They loaded their weapons with plasma, the Gralle's weakness, and boarded it on their new depot ship, EMPIRE, that could hold a handful of vehicles, and a tiny armory packed with powerful weapons. They also landed a large fusion coil shaped structure, to lure in the enemy Gralle. (This was the base in Part 1.) The Gralle were kept alive by substances like this, and they had just enough left for a year. So the Gralle would not miss an oppurtunity like this. But when they landed EMPIRE and another depot with more weapons, they saw something amazing... All the buildings they had were gone, and all that was left was large cluttered remains everywhere. Then they heard noises on the other side of the canyon, and out of nowhere came vehicles, tons of them, but not their kind of vehicles... Little did they know how the time they gave the Gralle, they advanced to an almost indestructible force...

    This is not the same infection type as Part 1, everyone is a different type of infection. The first one was defense, this one is offense. The humans must destroy all of the zombies, while the zombies destroy the humans with their powerful weapon... The Leader Gralle.

    The Gralle, the infected, can now drive vehicles, except the Alpha zombie. Half of the players are infected, and half the players are human. The humans attack is only 10% damage, but the zombies are 10% resistance, so it is 100% damage resistance basically. The Alpha zombie, though, moves just a little slower than humans, and has 2000% damage resistance, cannot drive vehicles, and has only a sword and a shotgun. He also has 4x overshields, but doesnt recharge, making him a very hard foe indeed. The zombies are pink, while the leader is white, and the humans are blue. Destroy the minor Gralle first, then the leader Gralle, so it is not worried about the later. The Gralle can use the tons of rubbish on the right side of the canyon to hide before ambushing the humans, or take a vehicle and attack the hard way.

    The map is avalanche, with just the right FX to give it an early morning feel. The human start at the Depot, and must run quickly to the EMPIRE ship next to the ledge. There are large weapons on the EMPIRE, with the smaller weapons near the depot. Sorry if there is an armory, but the humans wouldnt land and throw weapons all over the map for no reason... Theyd keep them in one spot. The zombies spawn in the tunnels right next to the EMPIRE, but is blocked off, making them go all across the map to the vehicles to give the humans time to get in vehicles. (Note, use the middle mancannons, some of the side ones dont always propel you to the other side of the tunnel. And never go back, or you will die.)

    This is the human side, the depot if nearest, while the EMPIRE is farthest, next to the cliff. The other structure is the fusion coil, with a close up here:[img]
    This is the depot, where the humans all spawn. There are a tiny amount of weapons, and equipment. This is a closeup:
    These are the pictures of EMPIRE:(It may be hard to see, but there IS interlocking)
    Side View:
    Back View:
    Arial View:
    This is the Gralle's side, with tons of rubbish littered around... But yet in a nice ordered way...
    This is the front, the "ambush" section, for zombies that want to charge the humans on foot.
    This is the "Guerrilla" section, for zombies that want to wait for incoming vehicles, then charge, tread or foot.
    These are the Gralle's vehicles, and the exit of the beginning spawn. (The vehicles may be a little hard to see.)
    Behind the vehicles, the energy blocker is on the OTHER side, not this one. This is inside the first section with a few of the remaining life-supply:
    This is the extremely hard to see pic, but this is where you just enter the caves, and on the otherside is the zombie spawn:
    I just thought about zombie camping, but humans can take a hornet in there or another vehicle like a wraith and hit camping zombies from the other side. This is the spawn spot, notice that the energy blocker behind me is right next to the human base. So humans can observe at the end if camping zombies are present there.

    Part 3 is the last part, undecided yet though, but will be a whole different kind of infection, so there IS a point in downloading the parts. Enjoy the map!

    Download Death Story P1 Map
    Download DSP2 Gametype
    Link will not be in sig for a day, remaking it so it is nicer, and can hold my in the making signature.​
    #1 Big Boy 2013, Jul 21, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2008
  2. sexy dude

    sexy dude Ancient
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    yeah a verson 2 i like this map it is very nice the first was really good and you cept it up
  3. BarkusTheMan 1

    BarkusTheMan 1 Ancient
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    this is awesome... period
  4. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    a little too dark for me, and i didn't read the story (my bad) so i dont really get the map, but i do know its an infection map, and all your structures are nicely made
  5. xI F0X H0UND Ix

    xI F0X H0UND Ix Ancient
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    From what i can see, the map looks well thought out and the structures look very neat. I recommend you take screenshots with out the filters on, in some of the pictures i can't tell what is happening. your story is great, and from what i can see i'll give u a 4/5.
  6. Cries Of Pain

    Cries Of Pain Ancient
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    wow very creepy, deffinately defines the words 'death story' nice work!
  7. Big Boy 2013

    Big Boy 2013 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Umm just to ask, how do you make the poll go away completely without having to reply to it? I am also adding new pics soon, without the fx so it is easier to see the map.
  8. pred10122

    pred10122 Ancient
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    the map looks good but i dont think its my kind of game. good story btw
  9. Murdock Sampson

    Murdock Sampson Ancient
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    I predicted there would be a sequel. mostly based on the fact you said there would, but still. 8/10 on the map btw. looks good, the eerie effect is CREEPING ME OUT. 10/10 on the story. i'm now interested
  10. Saint Prodigy

    Saint Prodigy Ancient
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    nice. really cool effect. old timey? well i like how you used a map that isnt used much for infection.
  11. Big Boy 2013

    Big Boy 2013 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Olde timey and juicy...

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