SawRoom & Saw Warehouse (corny but w/e) Maps (SawRoom) (Saw Warehouse) Game Types (SawRoom) (Saw Warehouse) Description Yea soo..first post here, hope its all ok. But im presenting too the public my 2 Puzzle maps, where the objective is to grab the skull from the end of the puzzle, playing thru rooms to reach the enxt room and so on. Now just a HEADS UP that i DO NOT use clipping, hidden items, glitches, or hard as poo jumps in my puzzles. All you should need is a perception of game mechanics, puzzle solving abilities and an eye, or 2. I hope u guys find these challenging and not 2 boring or easy, but yea...have fun. Rules: 1. Dont camp spawn timers unless u fail at something, i.e. dont grab a grav lift, use it to get some where then grab another one for the road ahead. 2.I recommend not playing the Saw Room unless u r patient as its not created to be restartable, if u fail, u must restart and play thru the puzzle all over again. i havent seen any puzzle maps like these, they arent the ordinary "hard" puzzles that require insane jumping skills or crazy luck to find the one wall that u can clip thru and stuff.. Saw Room The Goose Room The Overview The Finish The Heart Saw Warehouse Equipment Room Partial Overview Final Room Beginning Room EDIT: EDIT: fixed links
that last pictures weird like an automatic death room kinda but the map looks good, and hectic at the same time
No DL from me. Looks kind of sloppy. Sorry, but I am just stating my opinion. Make a V2 with more interlocking to make it smoother. I might DL them then. Sorry.
Welcome to ForgeHub! I love maze maps, they're so awesome, you did a great job on this one, I'll be sure to download and see how complicated it is.
It looks like you did a great job! I usaully do maze maps to pass time. The way the last pic looks is very cool! Great job I'll download.
yea i made these before i learned how to interlock and stuff, im working on another which im interlocking and hopefully make it duo, so 2 ppl must work together in 2 separte rooms helping each other escape, and hopefully can incorporate switches for an added feature, but i agree they look sloppy =p and if i didnt think i could do better i would go thru and remake them =D if any1 needs help with em, ask and i can give ya a hint, and it might seem obvious after u figure it out =p
hello im gonna look at your map i like the fact that you dont use all that stuff what you said but the only thing which i hate is the turrets its so old and boring im gonna take a look im building a maze map myself at the moment if you like to make with me together then add me gt=dennis1895 im looking for partners because its so boring to make it alone and its hard to think for some new stuff
puzzle maps dont require interlocking. No maps do, interlocking just makes it look nicer, it doesnt NEED to be there to make it a good map, trust me. 4/5, i gotta test this one out. I never beat them, not very good at those things. If I lose, you get neg rep. (Jk)
this looks really sloppy so im not gonna DL it. the thing i hate most about it is theres WAY too many fences
yea im working on a new one that require 2 ppl, and im making it look visually nice, cept im making an elevator outta fence walls, so u prolly wouldnt like that )=
srry, I prefer the ones that are extremely hard, those make you keep on going, but for beginners this is great.
gonna post walkthroughs, i kno good puzzles have walkthroughs! Remeber NO clips, Insane jumps, no weapon glitches, and no hidden items, but remember if one angle doesnt help, step back or try a diff angle. Your eyes are ur best bet in my puzzles.