This is a free for all map. It has a Deathpit and all telopoters are deadly do not go in them. 1 life is all you have if you download gametype.In the "cavern" there is 4 flame greanades and 1flamethower it dosent spawn until 150 seconds when does the dumpster will move. Sparten laser is in the barrier.Enjoy! Gametype 1 : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Pictures Fire cavern!
this is a cool map but the pics don't show enought add some more of the map please i also don't get the name of this map why is it called fire
i agree with the "sexy dude" above me. and why do you only kill elites? are you racist/speciest(???) to elites?
No. this map does not look all that great. I won't DL it. Come out with a V2 that has less open space, and make the map a bit neater by using interlocking, geo-merging, putting a double wall across the side of a box/double box with some sticking out, then put another box/double box. It will make the aesthetics better.
i'm not trying to be mean, but this map is not very well put 2gether. there's no interlocking and looks very easy to ecsape. overall 1.5/5. Suggestions: 1. Flip boxes and bridges over. 2.Interlock objects for smoothness!!! 3. Straighten the walls and other objects sure they are neater. if u make a v2 and use some of these suggestions this 1.5/5 could easily become a 4.5/5.
Hey Ok looking map 2/5, dont only put two options for the poll because i dont think its great but i dont think it sucks i sugest you put at lease 3 "Sucks, Ok, Great" just being helpful.
please do not add pics to a reply. some people dont read replys. .5/5 for me sry. my suggestion make a switch or an elevator to make it more fun
V.2 Is a MUST! I do agree with "xI FOX HOUND Ix" with the flaws, if you'd fix that, the map would look much better.
Definetly add more pics because I can hardly see any of your map... And what is the whole deal with the fire?
Not bad bro. I am no forge expert, but there was flaws as said above but the map was pretty good. 3.5/5. I suggest interlocking, a neat map is always fun to play on. Good luck with your next one.
I don't know.... I mean, it looks like some effort was put into this map - I give you credit for that, but If you want people to download this your gonna have to spice things up a bit. (including putting out more pictures)