Bowling Alley Features: Parking lot Bowling lane Spectator box Ball return. This map took me about 45mins to complete. Just play with a slayer gametype. Download here The Parking lot. The Reception Desk. The Bowling lane. The Spectators Box. The Ball Return.
looks like all the others... sigh... well the idea was unoriganal but i like your eeffert. i'll give it a 2/5 for your hard work and your first post. the reason why it wasn't higher is because it is unoriganal and looks just like the others. well keep forgin!
didnt somebody like just make this like yesterday but it looks fun no dl for me since i already dled the previous one
Does the ball ALWAYs return or get stuck sometimes? that would make it better, but 3/5, srry, not interested in these types though. But from me, 3/5 is really good for those lol.
I've seen better versions and this is really toooooooooooooooo sloppy, nice try, though these are only the basic needs of a bowling map.
This is a good map but for me I like it clean. this is your first map and I understand but do some interlocking okay. 2/5
It looks fun, but I've played and the ball return system doesnt work very well and theres barley any interlocking.I'm not just saying this cause I hae my own bowling alley. You hve the right vision, now you just need to execute it. Good Luck
I love it! The reception desk and stuff is random but a nice touch! I love how the ball returns to you Great job!