My golden retriever died about 3 years ago I highly recommend getting one they are the best ( in my opinion) dog you can get.
I have a 12 year old golden that is still going strong and wouldn't hurt a fly. She is the great great aunt to my new puppy, Bauer, and they are buddies. They really are great dogs and are really easy to train and are great around people. My oldest golden was a puppy when my cousin was a baby, and my aunt put my cousin to sleep on the floor (I don't know why), and my golden just slept by the baby. This is when she was in the adolescent puppy stage where they are normally rambunctious.
+Rep for who ever can guess the breed. It really isn't hard. His name is Luke and he's 4 now. Crap, those pics aren't as big as I thought.
Damn he's tiny there now he's as tall as me when on his back legs and whats up with the walrus i haven't seen him at your house before.
No one can beat Pip the puppy and Lily the pig. The puppy is one of our labrabors and the pig is our pet kune kune pig. They're kissing. They really are my pets.
Jack Russel? No idea but a mate of mine has a dog that's almost identical. xD I myself have a pure-breed Maltese... my pictures are on another computer so I'll get them when I can.
Nope. Um...yes, but not what I was looking for. BTW, just PM me your guess. Don't want to spam the tread with this.
This is an old (1 year) picture of my dog [Chief Sitting Bull] when he was still a puppy (and when Kapura was still afraid of him). And this is a more recent one of him eating our rug.
These are both new pictures of my puppy. She was laying on my bed when I took them it was like 4 in the morning, and I woke her up.
this thread isn't reaaaaly a necro postable thread. Aslong as your posting pictures of pets. Its kind of like the post your picture thread. Its not really sticky worthy.. But.. Idk.. Lol 0.o
Its like just shut your face and post more damn pets bish. Say ello to my 9 year old lab. Balls not included, bad accident with barbwire fence lul
this is my Jack Russell Terrior. Some pics are a few years old but he still looks the same. I love my dog. He's so awesome, all of his little traits.
I guess I will update my puppies pictures since he (Bauer) has changed a lot. His left leg is shaven because he had to get an IV when he was sick.