This is a plan that I conjured up, it is recreating(kinda ) a part from LoZ: WW, the part when you're in the temple of the Gods and you have to escort those statues to the center in order to be teleported forwards. So here's the idea: There are 3 paths, a the end of each path there is a switch, you must go down each path and activate the switch, after all 3 have been activated, a teleporter(in the center) unlocks, allowing you to go up the spiral of glory and reach your destination. So I need to know how to make the switches work, and about the gametype. It will obviously be juggernaut, Link will be the Naut and the rest will be the bad guys, so far, Link has a sword. Halp nao?
Hmm... I'de have to play around in forge to try things out but it should be possible. Might have to be a combination of different switch types though.
Have 3 dumpsters as doors (Or how ever many you need) In different sections down a hallway. One switch will either unlock the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd (Not mattering at all) Thus you will need to hit all of the switches to make the hallway clear. (But this way it will not be identical to LoZ) If you still do not understand just say so. =D
Your going to need Unlimited Budget to do that mister. Wait WTF why is this in Halo Forge Discussion? *Moves to Gaming Discussion* I can't help you ,sawwy.But I'll ask my rich bish friend who has every console created to see if he knows teh zelda code.
Have the teleporter in the open, but have it surrounded by walls but have one side opened and then do what I said with the hallway. No, that sounds completely scrappy if you tried that when I picture it. =/ I'll keep thinking. Edit: Have the teleporter floating and make platforms appear via Grav Lifts?
Ok, here is my input: Have 2 min max grav lifts and one min max fusion coil. Those are your 3 switches. So when you activate all 3, the grav lifts open 2 dumpster gates and the min/max fusion coil forces another fusion coil to spawn in that hallway: .GL GL 1 D D Tele .........Tele The 1 is the fusion coil that will spawn, the D is a dumpster. The GL (grav lifts) will pull the dumpsters out of the way. The top teleporter is blocked by 2 crates, the bottom one is a sender node to your second location. So, when all 3 switches are activated, the teleporter opens
The tele in the center of the hallways, is blocked, you have to get to all 3 switches to unblock it, which ultimately gets you up that spiral. It just didn't seem clear.
You could have the teleporter in a side room off the centre area where you want it, with 2 gravlift/dumpster doors and a hydralic door (power up spanws inside a crate and pushes it off to the side) It's clear just hard to figure out in my head. Basically you want some way for all three switches to need activating before the reciever node in the other room is cleared, and the sender node in the room/hallways you start in to be accessible but blocked from teleporting.
The teleporter problem has been solved, now onto the gametype. So far: Juggernaut(Link), 3 lives(maybe), hard to kill, primary weapon sword. Suggestions?
well the (bad guys) should have one life and for a weapon...well.... depends are the bad guys gonna be able to team up on (link) or is it more like 1 on 1 fights?
No, the sender in the middle of the whole thing, you can step on it but it says "teleporter is blocked" My diagram is of a "middle" teleporter room, basically it is so that your switch isn't just sitting in the open looking ugly (in your spiral place) So, when you unblock the reciever you can go thru the portal at the center, appear into the previously blocked tele, and fall into the sender below it, taking you to your spiral. Basically the switch is a room between the 2. Like the dimension between the teleporters.
I've been playing Zelda my whole life (LOZ: OOT was the first game I ever played) so if you ever need help on level design on this map, I'd be happy to help.
Here, place three dumpsters vertically in the teleporter, lined up. Then put three pallets, each a vertical dumpster size apart, with the first touching the dumpster that's first in the teleporter. Next place a grav lift pushing all three dumpsters. When the first switch goes, drop a fusion coil on the first pallet, swoosh, on down, first dumpster off, and so on. For the pallets to stay still just put them between two close walls.
THE SWITCHES ARE FINE. I NEED HELP WITH THE GAMETYPE. The bad guys will have infinite lives, they will be getting slaughtered. Link may have infinite lives, but if he dies, he has to start at the main room again, a lot of points are gained from killing Link, rounds will be 180 seconds(cant be increased). MORE SUGGESTIONS PLEASE.
Sounds cool, I loved Wind Waker. Maybe you could use sorta the H3A's door technique and have a really distance switch that when you get the power up you set off the switch and blows up the thing holding up the dumpster. Thats kinda confusing..but possibly have it so that you have to tele blocked until all the switches are hit. Or you could block a grav lift, or portable grav lift until all the switches are hit and than use the lift to launch you into the tele thats in the air. Maybe you could "deem" some stronger than others, and give them BR's (archers?). Have some weaker dudes with plasma pistols so they can beat down shields, and other people with pistols+br to go for headshots? Maybe another sword dude as a bad guy. Only problem is, if you have a whole bunch of badguys than they can all just run towards where link is. Maybe you could try to trap them in by the switch? Also, definitely no radar or indicator.