Slayer Gauntlet a few days after the first DLC me and my friend melon missile noticed every one was leaving halo for call of duty(DAM YOU K@X OF DUTY). being the very smart and sexy nerds we are we noticed that the halo party's were getting smaller and smaller. so one day we made this! SLAYER GAUNTLET! a circular slayer map built for small party's of 2-6. 40 downloads already! map is impossible to get out. you can play on it... any slayer and team slayer game typ( free for all suggested) any zombie game typ RANDOM MAP PICTURES!!! uhw ahh navigate throw the grave lifts to get the rockets grab the grave lift under the crates to reach the power ups its not halo without a mongoose download here
i totally agree with it isn't halo with out a mongoose i love them any way i like the map but some parts like the wall look kinda sloppy to me i would edit to them bits like the walls on the 2 pic it looks kinda sloppy but over all it is a nice map it is also nice to see an overview
It looks alright. But like sexy dude said, some parts of the wall seem sloppy. And, it is possible to get out of the map in forge. All you have to do is delete a part of the wall and sha-bam, you're out. =P
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HOW COULD I HAVE BEAN SO FOLISH!!! WERE DOMED!!! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH... well its moderitly hard to get out of the map and for the walls once melon gets back on line we will probably work on updating it for version 1.1.
U could of turned the boxes upside down (But that would be a big task then) but I suggest u do some editing well maybe a lot Sorry but i will give it 2/5.
pretty cool, the overall flow is gd and the idea is great, but in some places it could b forged better so thers no bumps and ther could b more cover, besides that, looks really fun and gd well done
I think it looks quite good, but it could have been EVEN smaller. With slopes, geo-merging, tele-writing your map would be the god of all small party games. But it's cool how it is. So don't work your ass off.
melon and i are working on version 1.1 and hopefully will be ready by this Friday. 1 question what do you mean by making it smaller
that looks really good and fun so i'll give it a try i guess the mongoose is just there for the hell of it lol
Very sloppy, there are too many power weapons, the OS/Shotgun and Camo/Sword combos should not be there, the Grav Lift/ Rocket area is extremely difficult to get through, and a lot of it seems like its the way it is just because you had to put it there so people could not escape the map. Nowhere close to being a competitive map. Oh yeah one more thing. I'm pretty sure there are no BRs/Carbines, and barely any cover.