4 ariel cat and mouse maps falcon eagle osprey condor and a custom gametype BIRDS OF PREY As a response to the mini game amber alert I decided to try and make cat and mouse a little more interesting.There are 4 maps on avalanche {OSPREY},construct{CONDOR} vallhala{EAGLE} and sandtrap{FALCON} all of wich use a infection custom game type birds of prey. The idea is simple humans{prey}have 1 life and a choice of equipment they are bubble shields{defensive},flares{evasive}and power drains{offensive} be the last man standing and you will get 3 points The zombies start pink and are only able to do 25% damage but have full vechile use.They also have access to 2 banshees and a hornet as well as a rocket launcher,laser trip mines. However these cannot be picked up without getting the custom power up which returns damage to normal but resticts the 2 zombies to passenger only which means that the zombies have a choice split up and use the weaker banshees or work toghether and use the hornet.The alternate fire modes of the air vechiles{rockets banshee bomb}are weak but they still have an impact great for pushing prey of the cliff or into the minefield.If you want a pink zombie can br dropped to a wraith just for all you purists out there There is a lot of movable objects,mancannon,shields,ramps,exsplovies and limited cover on the maps.The ball lauchers on avalanche are my favourite. The default setting on the gametype is for 9 people{it can be easily changed to less or more} there are 3 rounds and 3 zombies so everyone has a turn Hammers make a good weapon for the prey to start with to prevent splatters but this is not the default setting These maps are a lot of fun and are great with large parties lan games and splitscreen if you like cat and mouse your going to love this I already do DOWNLOAD GAMETYPE BIRDS OF PREY DOWNLOAD OSPREY{avalanche} DOWNLOAD FALCON{sandtrap} DOWNLOAD CONDOR{construct} DOWNLOAD EAGLE{vallhala} zombie{BIRDS} spawn OSPREY prey {HUMAN}spawn bird spawn falcon prey spawn bird spawn eagle prey spawn ACTION the mine field is dangerous for both teamwork after 90 seconds you will need to rearm i suggest swapping pilots at this point I am aware that there was a map posted a few days ago called splaser cats this is a great map but uses a different power up system,hornets only and has 1 empty avalanchne map.I was working on this map at the time I already had the idea{see dont look down}and decided to do it when i saw the amber alert because i love minigames.I also checked before starting it{as i did with my stonhenge map}to see if there wer similar maps about and could not find one as balanced as this I HAVE NOT AND WOULD NEVER STEAL A MAP its a case of great minds think alike
Very nice. You actually made good maps in the normal maps and an even cooler one on Avalanche. That looks very playable and it would be great for large parties. Again, very cool and HAPPY FORGING!!!
This seems like a great idea. I personally love how you gave the infected a choice about which way they go about infecting(alone or as a team.) I do have some questions though. Can a human kill a zombie? If so does the round end as there is only one life per player? This seems like a great mini game and since the mini game amber alert I gave seen many great and new ideas come out of this section. Over all great job on the maps and the post.
humans get 3 points for killing a zombie who also have 1 life but this is very difficult to do unless they get out which i wanted to discourage
This is perhaps the greatest piece of Mini-gaming that could be imagined. I love how you took Cat&Mouse to the air. I personally love that gametype so much. This gets a definite DL from me and a rating when I am unwarned.
hmmm seems awesome but it looks to easy for the hornets nd banshees beside the fact of the sort of unsteady flight (altho thry could stay still to aim) for the splazers and rockets
there is cover for the prey and some of the prey have power drains flares or bubble shields not to mention that the pilot may want to win so it is balanced
i personally think there should only be 2 hornets and no banshees other than that i would rather play that then cats n mouse
the hornets weapons are too overpowered {the rockets seek targets} even at the lowest level for that to be fun the banshee main gun is also weak where as the bomb will knock the prey off adding balance
and different damage setting plus equipment to balance it out there is also objects on the maps and rounds so everyone gets a turn as a zombie
good stuff, dude. i remember on stonehenge, you mentioned you were testing this. i woulda asked to join in on that but i wasn't around. either way, i was kinda waitin around to see how it turned out. sounded pretty interesting, and it looks like you followed up well. i'll try and get a party together so i can download and give it a whirl. nice work 5/5
Oh yeah, I remember testing out these maps with you, I liked the concept the first time I played it but there were quite a few bugs, and looking at the pictures I'm glad to see you fixed them on the avalanche map. The sandtrap map when I tested it with you yesterday, or the day before I forget, was fine, the power up system worked perfectly and it was incredibly fun being the last man standing evading laser attacks from above whilst being chased by a hornet in close pursuit! This really is a brilliant map and gametype that you should download. It's probably, dare I say it, even better than ezekiel's previous, "don't look down" race map that has now taken its place among my favourites. Keep up the good work. Thanks. Chris =).
this is a great idea. looks like a very fun game for large parties, i especially like the avalanche one.
thanks eveyone i have played these maps more and more and they are very fun some epic chases through the minefields of sandtrap jumping over the birds on avalanhce and nailing prey with a rocket from the air are just a few of the highlights.Although i am surprised that it only got 3 stars