Just the other day i was asked why do i forge. I did not know the answer to this question. So i thought and thought about it and i decided that i forge to create to make something that is mine to have complete control over a situation. And i guess the biggest reason is to see it complete to have that sense of acomplishment that i dont feel to often. So i was wondering why you forge. Why do you spend hours on a map. Why not go and do something else why stick with forge. Please answer I am very interested by what you might say- Thanks Jakattak418
Haha my friends always ask this. But yea pretty much same. Its something to do, and it's a great creative output. I like to express myself and I like it when people like what I make. I might add to this later...
Ajp got it right for me. When i forge i do it because i want to make something, when i make something generally great the praise from other people makes you feel good because you've done something constructive and Helps other people have fun. During the process, Forging also helps me relax/chill out, I myself am a laid back kinda guy and I would rather do something constructive than be one of those Fags playing matchmaking yelling at me over xbox live because i veto-ed Epitaph. I mean what would you rather do? Play Shout Wars with random Dbags or Play Custom Games that are far better than your average matchmaking game on Isolation or Epitaph?
I agree with both of you And bushman i really agree with u i like customs but matchmaking is preatty stupid
Halo 3 would be pretty much boring w/out forge because it would get old fast. Forging takes up most of my playing time on halo anyways and its fun to try them out with my friends.
I do it because it is the closest thing we have to an official map maker. I've always enjoyed making maps in unreal editor, so it fullfills my needs.
Why climb a mountain? Why paint a masterpiece? Why play a sport? Why? It's just a matter of taste. I love having the ability to make custom creations. It shows that I am unique, and it gives way to my creative thought.
Two Games It's like having two incredible games in one. When you want to release aggression and be competitive you can battle it out in a close game of slayer or destroy newbs in social. Then you can totally shift gears into the cerebral world of forge and try to push the limits of design on the game. The beauty is, that when you finish the mental exercise of completing a quality forged map you can invite some friends and go right back into intense destruction mode in a great custom game. I love forge.
I find making maps and by yourself is very difficult. I make a lot of random casual maps with my friends that I don't even bother posting. I usually forge and stay in private chat or talk on the phone to help pass time. Seeing your creations come to life is why I forge. You can turn a grey old empty warehouse into something totally different. Great Question it made me think.
I like to be creative. I like to know that it's something that I have done and achieved. I like to hear my friends enjoy the map and have fun on it. and I like to play custom games so it expands the amount of maps I can choose from. plus matchmaking is too laggy for me and it gets frustrating...
Hmm, I suppose I Forge to prove my ultimate superiority over the common population. Seriously, it's just a lot of fun. It's a way to express who you truly are. I like things that are professionally done. I simply find great pleasure in knowing that I made something that people enjoy. To know that I assisted in someone else's gaming experience is just an awesome feeling to me. Our maps are also a way for me to play the game that I want to. If I don't feel like playing any of the standard maps, I can now make my own. I can create my own playing field, customize the weapons, and build it to play how I want it to. That's a level of enjoyment that few games can offer. Halo perfected that.
Game design of any kind is a very fulfilling creative outlet. With most forms of art, like writing or painting, judging the end results is a very subjective process. I find it difficult to devote much time to a creative endeavor when everything created in that field is acceptable, everything can be somehow artistically justified. “Fun” is much more objective, doing something novel within a game is much more objective, game design does a good job of giving the creator a solid answer to the question that all artists are asking, “was my creation worthwhile?”
its a great way to blow off steam when i get mad at lagginess or getting paired against a big party of generals in matchmaking, and its a great way to express myself
It lets me tap into a very simple form of design and architecture; my hopeful future. It also gives me a fuzzy feeling when I get positive reactions to my creations.
If halo 3 didn't have forge it would get boring. It also means you can have fun maps where it is not always skill that dominates, but rather its the fun of running through a maze chased by zombies or playing on a map that is strange and unusual. Or better yet just crushing people under boxes when you get bored.