The Lone Grunty, he shall use his super hero might to save all of the grunts from the oppression of the covenant.
This is what I'm seeing. Not even a red x to hit show picture =[ EDIT: Same thing happening on your other post.
the red X is up in the top left corner, it's even showing up in your post. **EDIT** After posting my reply the image appears in your quote ..... stupid internet >: (
Test: Is that the image you were talking about? I had to go to "view page info" under right click to find the link. EDIT: Something is wrong here, I'm guessing either on my end, or on forgehub. I put the picture up, refreshed the page, and can no longer see the picture. ****.
Yeah something messed up is going on, it won't even let me post any more pictures. It might be my host. I'm hosting these directly from
There's a link to it for now, I've never had a problem hosting from Halo screenshots though .... this is weird.
It's still being retarded squid, it shows up randomly between reloads. I'm just going to have to host them somewhere else I guess.
Well, I tried. Photobucket always does well for me. EDIT: Weird, now that I posted the picture, I can see all of the other ones that were posted in this thread. Very strange.
Well I Found it in page info then after 5 minutes of searching every single picture on this page which is actually like 100, Ifound the link but it was faded gray the rest were black But I could see the Pic. Tell me if u see this:
I see it fine. Then again, my computer is frikken retarded. It takes an hour to refresh a page which takes up no memory file, but an image instantly appears. I hate my computer. (By the way a page I have been needing to get on for about half an hour now is STILL loading. I need a full-system memory wipe.)
Very funny! How is he going to save grunts from Covenant oppression? Also, is his weakness that skull that makes his grunt's heads explode into confetti? If it is I am willing to use it.