The Ire of Fire

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Felipe dos, Jul 21, 2008.

  1. mitona

    mitona Ancient
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    debo sent this to me when it was finished. I'm glad its finally done its such a great map
    Debo37 likes this.

    QUINN HAS A GUN Ancient
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    I am simply blown away by this map. The backstory is extremely well written and the map looks beautiful. This won't be a long comment because there's not much else to say. Great job and I think I speak for everyone at ForgeHub when I say 5/5 definte DL/ or Amazing job. We are looking forward to your next map.
  3. Micr0Snip3

    Micr0Snip3 Ancient
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    I have a feeling this'll get a feature
  4. bansheeman101

    bansheeman101 Ancient
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    dude for your fist map i cant believe it man imagine a couple weeks from now youll be the best ever or close to it
  5. ajpsk8

    ajpsk8 Ancient
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    Well, looks like I missed the first round of posts that everyone reads, but anyways, I downloaded and here is my review:

    Enjoyment: Well, I usually only get a few players to come and play infection on various maps, but they all leave sometime during the game. On your map, I had a party that reached a size of 15 players (there's a 16 maximum!) And, 13 of the 15 stayed to test out KoTH, Territories, Slayer, One Flag and Evenball. I don't doubt that the players were enjoying it as much as I was. If they were (which they were), then epic win on this portion! [10/10]

    Balance: In your post you show how different weapons contradict each other, and we found your point-outs to be true. This map is perfectly balanced and includes my favorite weapons (lazorzz FTW). Anyways, we never had problems with camping or anything else but we did get the occasional "Tell that n00b up there to stop f@#cking lasering me every 5 seconds" -- but thats only because that is all I did all game. [9/10] for you!

    Durability: I find this section of a review the boring part to write, so i will make this quick; Your map is inescapable to begin with, so containment is not something to worry about. I guess it's a given then -- [10/10]

    Aesthetics? Duh! TROGDOR FTW!: Your map was originally an aesthetic map. I remember seeing it in the "Map testing" section and thinking "This guy has some serious skill". You have proven this tenfold in this map. Every thing in this map is a piece of art in its own way. The dragon, of course, is flawless and VERY well made. You honestly have a lot of skill and this proves it. [10/10]

    Originality: I have never seen a dragon before. I have also never seen an aesthetic map with such enjoyable gameplay. You also include many ideas that have not been tried yet, which is great. This is an EXTREMELY original map and I will be suprised if it doesn't get featured. [10/10]

    Overall: This map is incredible, and I know that it will be featured. [10/10]

    So, thats my review,
    Debo37 likes this.
  6. Battleman36

    Battleman36 Ancient
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    Very sloppy. but i looks like a very fun map to play on. no dl for me,but this is very intersting. 4.5/5
  7. thelastsparten

    thelastsparten Ancient
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    i have to say the first thing i said when i looked at this was eww but you cant judge book by its cover after seeing the rest and playing it some with with friends i realized just how much time and effort it must have taken and how awesome it plays i have got to say GREAT job 5/5 very inovative
  8. GD27 BlueDevil

    GD27 BlueDevil Ancient
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    This map looks amazing with great asthletics and structures! You did an amazing job and looks GREAT for FFA. I'll have to check this one out, 5/5
  9. Rhinestorm

    Rhinestorm Ancient
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    Rawr -

    Felipe dos likes this.
  10. KingSniper 10x

    KingSniper 10x Ancient
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    ive seen a lot of dragons built but this ones is good because it can be built around slayer. good job.
  11. sexy dude

    sexy dude Ancient
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    this is vey good i have seen maps like this were it is an aestetic that you can play on but this is the best one i have seen the dragon ia amazing it looks really like one but the claw looks bigger than its face lol
  12. Debo37

    Debo37 Ancient
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    Dang Felipe! The positive comments are rolling right in!

    This map totally deserves them. I love how people are calling it "sloppy," when they don't even realize that it's purposefully so for the sake of art and asymmetry. Kids these days can't comprehend the term "Asymmetric!"

    Whether you do the cow or the kangaroo next, I look forward to helping out! ;)
  13. Rhinestorm

    Rhinestorm Ancient
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    Oh yeah, good job with adding the gametypes!
  14. Felipe dos

    Felipe dos Ancient
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    I can assure you that Debo37 and I strained for months to keep this from being what you might call sloppy. Great attention has been paid to the slightest of details, just as much in the category of gameplay as in aesthetics. If at first the screenshots make it seem as though objects were simply thrown about, I understand on account of the sculpture-like geometry. Every object, however, has a distinct purpose. Believe me. When the object limit hit I was forced to keep only the bare essentials of scenary.
    #34 Felipe dos, Jul 21, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2008
  15. Debo37

    Debo37 Ancient
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    Yep. The man speaks the truth. Things that look "sloppy" really aren't; what might look to you like a poor interlock is actually a very smooth surface. Felipe and I made sure of playability first and foremost, and nothing on this map is done poorly.

    We did try to break the object limit to add more scenery, but when Felipe did it became unbearably laggy, so we scrapped that plan and stuck with one that would cause gameplay to be the best it could be. This map is of the highest quality, and I'm sorry that you got the wrong impression of it.
  16. evan12075

    evan12075 Ancient
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    I myself no far a fact that nothing is sloppy or bumpy on the map from playtests. But bein at forgehub for awhile now debo, you should know that people judge based off pics... Everything in the map serves a purpose and nothing is too "random." I loved the forklifts scattered around for cover but can easily be countered by chuckin a grenade at the forklift. the map couldve been put in the aesthetic section... but it just plays too well too put it in the aesthetic section...
  17. Debo37

    Debo37 Ancient
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    I know that people judge based on pics. I just didn't know that said people can't actually look at the pics they judge a map by.

    And yeah, I thought about telling Felipe to put it in the Aesthetic section, but settled on Competitive because it just plays so damn well. Ever since we fixed the spawn areas, no spawn killing has occurred whatsoever, and every objective game I've played hasn't revealed any map exploits. The only possible exploit is control of the Wall, but since there are no Respawn Points up there and the weapons spawn slowly, its power is effectively nerfed. Not to mention that the Double Walls interlocked as cover effectively reduce the amount of domination a good BR user has over the map.
    I really like the fact that the map's geometry allows someone to play how they want though. That's what sold me on this map. For instance, if a player wants to engage in close quarters fights only, all they need to do is patrol the Dragon or the Shotgun base. If they like long range, they head for the Wall, and the rest of the map caters to mid-range combat (the bottom). I've just never seen a map that plays like that, as comparable maps like End of the Line, though still awesome beyond belief, usually focus on a certain combat range (mid- to long-range combat was EotL's focus).
    Felipe really has a talent for structure-making, in addition to scenic sculpting.

    Felipe, as an FYI... this is post #37. And I
    have it.
    #37 Debo37, Jul 22, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2008
  18. Felipe dos

    Felipe dos Ancient
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    I'd like to thank Debo for these comments but let people know that I would still be a forging n00blet if it were'nt for him. There were so many times that I wanted to post this in the past and Debo would say that we needed to do more testing. I didn't believe him until a lot of those "oh my God, half of the map is still set not to place at start", or "did Muskrat01 hide another Splazer when I was showing this to him?" moments happened. I can guarantee that my rep would be in the far, far negative regions if it weren't for Debo because people would be getting mad about the respawn points underneath the floor.
    ... okay well it might not have been quite that bad but the overall message here is that with this map Debo37 was more helpful to me than a scooter is to a morbidly obese man in Wal*Mart.
    Debo37 likes this.
  19. Debo37

    Debo37 Ancient
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    You have no idea how fast that the last part of that went into my sig. :p

    I'm just glad to have helped with such an awesome map! If you ever need my assistance again, ask me any other way than coming over to my house and banging on my door/ringing my doorbell like Tucker did one time. I still hate him for that.
  20. Who is MCV?

    Who is MCV? Ancient
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    Simply amazing I loved the story to the map and was very impressed with it being your first map. Keep on making great maps!

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