Martyrdom is also the name of a perk on Call of Duty 4. it allows you to drop a live grenade when you are killed. Don't be hatin on people or i'll have an admin step in
chill its not a big deal. lol. besides its halo hes only hatin b/c hes aplaya. lol. notboth of them got made fun of :-D
ya but every1s gotta learn to take jokesand give them without being all pissy about it.. id know. really do you think any1 rally cares what jokes people on forgehub make about them anyway? prolly not.. but nyway nd of discusion. peeps stop makin fun and talk about what you came here to talk about b/c this isnt the place to descuss this.
Lol wtf I said that like an hour ago and yer still talkign about it. 1.A joke 2.This is a map not off topic,back on topic! *Infracts everyone*
It seemed like you were the one causing the problem. Oh, map is good 5/5 yay. <- See I discussed the map too.
holy **** Blaze another ****ing AMAZING EPIC MAP!!!!!i ****ing love it...sorry for my language but oh well lol.555555/5...your geomerging and interlocking skills are amaZING.
this map deserves to be placed in aesthetic maps! nice job on this one, I was really looking forward to this map after the "sneak preview" just another map to add to your collection!
I just had a run through and OMFG if this doesnt get featured what will? I mean this is just a amazing map, its super clean and just looks fantastic. I am yet to play and game on it but when I do I will make sure I come back for another update..
WOW! U inter locked and Geomerged nearly Everything on the whole map, and there is a Good background Story! Good Job. 5/5 and I will Download.
He was causing the problem linbidix. But in any case this map is great overall. I like the extensive use of geomerging you used and the shield door tunnels merged at an angle. One thing I didn't like however was that it looked like the use of the Foundry tunnel was a last minute addition and it looked a bit sloppy to me. But other than that startegic weapon and spawn place ment was done very well. Alongside the fact that most spawns are out of the way of enemy fire so you have time to figure out what your going to do before you get shot at. Overall nice map 5/5.
Hehe blaze I see your going by the name god nowadays , Seems fitting now mate. Excellent job I'm glad you incoperated the shield door - single box thing from battery I have always loved it. Again curse you for making me download another master peice. With the quality of your maps you should be premium soon <3 Chicken
It seems as though you're now in Cosmic's "Map pooping" phase, because you seem to have a new map out every week or two. This looks to be your best map yet, that atmosphere in the map is unlike anything I've yet to play, and I love all of the unique geometry. I really look forward to playing a match on here. Very nice work!
Hot damn! Well, a few things. That is this map? It's been a while, but I'm glad to see it finished! Glad you took my advice, as it really is a helpful, "Little Thing" as it were, it is something that most players won't notice, but it will be one of the most extreme bits of help in certain situations. The map looks great, I saw the video a long time ago actually =D I think I'm subscribed to blood, that could be why... Anyways, this map looks amazing, and those curved box things are really intricate. Glad to see you still pumping out the win. EDIT after reading the previous pages: Please refrain from bickering over petty, insignificant **** in a map thread. That is pure idiocy. <3
THIS...........IS............AWESOME!!!!!!!!!! I still love all your maps blaze can't wait to see some more!
freaking awesome map but there was only one thing i found to be a problem and it was the shotgun being so close to the grav. hammer because in a 2v2 match it was really 'cheap' if you had those two and camped by the invisibility. but othere than than its great. 8/10