When i used to play Gh2... I'd turn it on, and i never used to remember seeing "neversoft" in the logos and developers in the beginning. I saw Red Octane. I always thought neversoft joined in on Gh3, but i dunno. I'm buyin gh:wt because i've been playin gh for 2 years, and thats what i'm used to. Most people that play guitar hero haven't played Gh1, from what i've gathered in my questioning.
Yeah, Harmonix made GH and GHII, but left to work with EA and MTV on Rock Band. Activision gave the series over to Neversoft for GHIII and everything that followed.
No, it's the same as the four pad one. The cymbals are optional, and in the game, they act the same as the other colored pads. See how there's a yellow pad and a blue pad? The cymbals are also yellow and blue. There's also a green cymbal, but that picture doesn't show it. The cymbals come with the special edition drum set (the one that can be used as a real digital drum set), but they are sold separately for the standard four-pad drum set. I'm leaking information all over this thread.
For those of you who haven't decided yet, here's a thread I was posting in that has some cool points made for each game. Enjoy!
Oh, how I love hearing that one. /sarcasm That's a bit of a trollish remark you've got going on there. As fun as real instruments are, isn't it still fun to play a game, especially when you play with friends who don't have real musical talent? Or you can play it to live your fantasies of being a rock star. I could take this argument in a million different directions, but I'd rather not (too lazy, to be honest), so let's just say that old complaint is old.
sorry, I just have a lot of friends who think they are real musicians because they can beat songs on expert. I honestly don't think one can live the fantasy of rock stardom through guitar hero. And because of this new 'music creator' system on GH:WT, bands will become famous through making songs that consist of jamming down colored buttons. Soon, the first guitar hero band will form, and go on tour, and get signed, make real money making fake music. One day, it will require no talent to make music sound great, and music, as we know it, will die.
Music will die? really? I highly doubt that. Anyway, who cares if a GH or RB band actually formed. It's talent isn't it? Why would someone get attention or praised for something that didn't count as talent? If they can make good enough songs on GH:WT that people like it, then I consider that talent.
No, it won't happen. It's ridiculous to even consider it. It's ridiculous enough to be a South Park episode synopsis. o w8 As for your friends, let them know what massive idiots they are for thinking they're musicians because they're good at a game.
Its Rock Band for sure. Have you looked at the set list? All of the songs are the original master recordings, if you own Rock Band 1, you can play ALL of them on Rock Band 2, not to mention all Downloadable content works on all Rock Band games. Not to mention that as soon as you buy Rock Band you'll have an extra 20 new songs to download online for FREE! So when Rock Band 2 comes out, you'll have 500 songs to choose from....how many will Guitar Hero have? How many will have the Master Recordings? This is already Rock Bands second attempt at the genre, they have a HUGE running start against Guitar Hero. I think Activision got too comfortable at the top....now they're far behind.....
FIRST OF ALL.....I knew about Gutar Hero when it first came out...when it wasnt taht big....now a bunch of posers say OH YEA I LIKE SLIPKNOT!! you ask them what their fav song is..sure enought Before I forget.... Honestly it was fun when nobody knew about it... And As For RockBand it was a change..it was kinda cool..seeing a game with all the instruments...but now its gunna turn into a guitar hero... im almost thinking the same about halo.....i knew about it waaaaaaaaay back..when it was the opening title for a brand new system....but now everyone knows about it and claims to be the number 1 fan!!!.....thats why bungie isnt making a halo 4...because it will turn into a guitar hero.... Guitar hero is like the American pie movies...different colors..still the same flavour....
500 songs eh. I doubt that can top the thousands of user created songs created in the first week. besides, i promise you that every song in every RB will be made in GH:WT in it's first month.
I'm getting rock band 2 as i got rock band so im just gonna but the game as i have all the instruments ..
I don't think you realize that the song creator is lmited by legal issues. You cannot just take a song from a CD, put it in game, and then add notes to it. You have to create everything note by note, drum by drum. The create-a-song doesn't even allow for vocals, so I don't think its quite what you were expecting.
i like guitar hero because they are more smooth on gameplay and rock band just seems like a bad remake of guitar hero