Same remember the shotgun was the only weapon used to in GOW 2 the macine gun is stronger. Also no more chainsaw glitches because of the chainsaw dueling system. Crabwalking and ninja jumping will be fixed to : ] As long as there aren't as many serious issues in GOW2 as in the first GoW then this game will be great.
What I want and will likely be getting 1. Gears of War 2 - this is beyond epic and will be totally awesome. 2. Banjo Kazooie - This is pure nostalgia because I love that bear and bird duo. 3. Fallout 3 - Oblivion in the Future is a must even though the combat is a little knack What is a waste of money 1. Call of Duty 5 - It's Call of Duty 3 plus a flamethrower and shorter enemies 2. Fable 2 -It just won't be the same as the first. I'd go further into it, but it's complex. 3. Halo Wars - Base building RTS's just don't work properly on consoles, besides the color scheme is awful, definite rent though 4. Resident Evil 5 - The graphics were cool but the combat system was horrible and the guy ran around like a little nancy with his gun up in the air, sorry but it's a no
Just for the list, you mean Banjo Kazooie: Nuts and Bots right? I ask because the first Banjo Kazooie is coming to the XBLA as well.