Flaming Ninja Challenge

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by petetheduck, Jul 18, 2008.

  1. My Local Sniper

    My Local Sniper Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This is actually impossible. On the first bit, you jump on all them platforms, then when you have to jump up ledges to get to the slide, you cant make the first jump to the first ledge!
  2. sexy dude

    sexy dude Ancient
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    wow this is a well cool map i love these types of maps and it is on blackout
  3. fergfighter

    fergfighter Ancient
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    great map cant wait to play
    ps:i like the time challenge
    it makes it more ningaey

    pps: i tried to put the ninga squirrel
    here but it wouldnt let me =(
  4. petetheduck

    petetheduck Cartographer Emeritus
    Forge Critic

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    It's very possible, you just need to crouch-jump :)

    If you're having trouble with a section, just load it in Forge and use monitor mode to bypass any difficult section.
  5. Metallic Snake

    Metallic Snake Ancient
    Senior Member

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    looks fun maybe a bit easy, but ill check it out, after all, i am a ninja
  6. Metallic Snake

    Metallic Snake Ancient
    Senior Member

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    yea, that^ guys a ninja. hes an insanely good at ninjaing ninja.
  7. Honoredgod

    Honoredgod Ancient
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    Wow this looks really sweet
  8. Obibital

    Obibital Ancient
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    amazing map, looks very hard to do, whats so hard about the pallet challenge?
  9. petetheduck

    petetheduck Cartographer Emeritus
    Forge Critic

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    There's nothing hard about it.. it's meant to mimic the Wall Lift challenge in the 2nd stage of the Sasuke course (which this map was inspired by). I put a link below, in case you haven't seen the show before.

    http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff91/lostinube/SASUKE 2008/SASUKE2008_2ndStage-6-WallLifting.jpg

    It's just an obstacle which slows you down a little.
  10. Murdock Sampson

    Murdock Sampson Ancient
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    OMG!! I this map! 10/10! great job its beautiful! good obstacles and creation.
  11. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    Wow, that looks like major fun, only if I had the legendary map pack >_<.
    Really well done map, I could immagine spending time with a bunch of friends racing them to see who gets the best time or pushiing each other off the obstacle lol.
  12. RaidBlitz

    RaidBlitz Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I finished it in 86 secs. Brilliantly designed and really fun to play on. Thx for making the map!
  13. Supa Spartans

    Supa Spartans Ancient
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    You should make a second NINJA map
  14. slayking44

    slayking44 Ancient
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    This looks amazing. What got me first was the actual thread name....Ninja. ^_^. I love ninjas. And then, I actually saw the map. This has got to be the coolest obstacle course i've ever seen. Usually they need either intimate knowledge of the map (Forge, you must), or extreme leet jumping skills. This one just looks like a somewhat difficult game, and I can't wait to try it out!
  15. L3377MA573R

    L3377MA573R Ancient
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    This has to simply be the best obstacle course ever built. My friends and I all love 'Ninja Warrior' on G4, so we're all practicing this now. I love the timer system, too, but it would be cool to have a red button to press just from fun.
  16. slayking44

    slayking44 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    That was the coolest obstacle course ever, no lie. I could actually complete it....unlike others....I'm going to be taking several major parts from this obstacle course and make a map with it.....Do you mind? +rep for coolest obstacle ninja map evur.
  17. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    downloading, and i'll post my time after i'm done lol
  18. petetheduck

    petetheduck Cartographer Emeritus
    Forge Critic

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    Man, this is gonna be a long one..

    You really phrased that request poorly (actually, you didn't phrase it like a request at all). You want permission to take several major parts? ..I spent weeks planning, experimenting, and building this map. From scratch. By myself. The last thing I want is someone to change 1 or 2 obstacles and repost it.

    But I'm torn.. I'd like to benefit the Forge community by sharing what I've made..but I won't give permission for someone to just rip off my work. So here's what I'll say:

    1. Everyone is free to use any and all of the IDEAS from my map (after all, I got many of them from Ninja Warrior on G4). If you recreate the ball challenge or slide challenge in your map, include a link to this thread when you post your map. Those are my babies, I love 'em :).

    2. If you want to literally use parts of my map to build something, make sure whatever you make is at least 75% your own and include a link to this thread when you post your map. 75% of this map being yours mean you only use about 1 1/2 of the obstacles I built.

    If you're not changing at least 75% of the map, you're not building something new--you're tweaking things to your tastes, and that's not something that you should be posting online for the community.

    I strongly discourage you from using this map. When you post something, you should be proud to share it. I put a LOT of thought and work into this map, and I am happy to read every reply because of it. It makes the weeks of planning and execution worthwhile to see a positive response to something I built by hand.

    Unless someone posts something specifically for others to use (like canvases, walled off sections of Foundry, money glitched maps), I think it is in bad taste to build on someone else's creation.

    Being inspired is one thing..but outright using a map is another thing entirelly. But we're all at different levels of Forging, so even though I was able to make some things work (like the ball challenge), someone else might not be able to build that, but maybe they could build 15 other obstacles. And they really want to include it. So I'm putting down the 75% rule.

    I think you would get a lot more benefit from the practice of trying to recreate something by hand you've seen someone else make, than simply using what someone else has made. It's the whole "give a man a fish" vs. "teach a man to fish" thing. The more you learn to do in Forge, the more you can benefit the community by building new things, rather than reusing exact elements of a map that's been posted before.

    If you just want some solid ground above Blackout to build off of, I could recommend you download slot 24 of my fileshare:
    Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Share

    "BlackSkyCanvas" is what I used as a foundation to build the Flaming Ninja Challenge course. It's pretty handy, and I put it out there some time ago for the community specifically so people could use it in building their maps. It might be a bit sloppy in spots, but I've found it very useful. I don't care at all if you use it.

    #58 petetheduck, Jul 22, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2008
  19. deemoney

    deemoney Ancient
    Senior Member

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    this looks like its fun i will download because its like ninja warrior on g4tv
    #59 deemoney, Jul 23, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2008
  20. Xkreep

    Xkreep Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Oh yea i played this it just took me a while to get passed the soccer ball part i would download it but i already have it.

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