...But that went to hell. This is the discussion of what happened to that map, and why instead of waiting for the map to be my 2000th post, I will be posting a discussion on a few separate flaws that occurred in that fateful forge session. Dom says Oi and I were together, frantically trying to complete Project Z for the 2000th post, about 5 hours ago from this moment...and it all started bad. We had a list of things to do that just made me want to cry. Ask Dom, I had some whining done throughout the process... So, flaw 1: Trying to complete a map with a time frame. I knew that it was a bad idea from the beginning, considering the whole creation of this map had been going through a "time frame" completion setting. Never a good idea, considering you get nervous/anxious/aggravated/etc. Dom and I had no trouble keeping our cools with eachother, though I wanted to delete the map from my hard drive. Flaw 2: Doing difficult save-quits over and over on the same save. Basically what flaw two is saying, is that we had a huge list of things that we had to do in the "Save-Quit" area. A double box at an odd angle, which eventually turned into a bridge; a few separate bridges needed be placed; aswell as a corner wall that was in an interesting position. Not much was too horrible with this...until something extremely fateful had occured. 4 Double Box's, 2 Double Box Open's, 1 Double Wall at an extremely difficult angle (all objects merged) were deleted out of nowhere, when we finally got the save-quit of the corner wall done. I said. I'm done. I don't give that much a damn about my 2,000th post being a map. It's not that big a deal. So here I am now, ranting and raving about how stupid forging can be sometimes... I hope you enjoyed this tale. As I hated the process. If you didn't enjoy it, at least learn by my mistakes.
i was really looking forward to the new map, but i cant blame you 1 post away from the big 2k, i think im going to do the same, i need a couple more for 1000 and i was talking to roche, he said i should post my map but its half finished and i want to get 1000 posts before i go on holiday, which is thursday by the way, and thers no way im going to finish the map, (i could easily, but im very busy packing etc.) enough about me i did enjoy the tale but its too late to save me
It is kai. Meh, I understand how "being busy" can go, this map is almost 2 months old now...makes me sad that it's not released yet, but I just don't care to forge like I used to... nou... But seriously, Nemi, glad to see you're back.
This happened to me once and I almost broke my controller cause I threw at the wall...It was a little different situation though....the map was close to completion ....and I was geomerging and then the box fell under the map into oblivion...so I quit making the map....(one month later I am remaking it lol)
Man, you got owned by Forge itself. I dont really know the pain as forge has been very kind towards me. I cant wait til Project Z but a painful story is almost as amusing. S U X Z
That's never happened to me, and I'm glad it hasn't. I really hope it doesn't happen on my new project I've been working on for months.
I almost teared a tear. I was definitely whining though... I did indeed get owned by forge =[ Project Z is quite interesting, it's our biggest map to date. (Size wise) Working towards "S U X O R Z," though...I'm so lazy lately on forge... Indubitably good sir. *Cough* self-concerned *Cough* What?
man. i bet that sucked. i guess we all learned something here: never give a time frame for a map to be finished because a whole bunch of crap can happen in that time period.
lol, thats what you get for trying to finish our map without me. It would have been a nice surprise to come back to though, but you failed.