Goose Course V1

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Race Maps' started by Sk3tch, Jul 18, 2008.


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  1. Sk3tch

    Sk3tch Ancient
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    Goose Course V1
    Soryy about the pics not there i dleted some by accident on my photo bucket acount. Had no clue it would effect these.

    This is my first map post on forgehub although i frequently visited the sight i finnally got around to making an account and starting to put out some maps.This map was made before i knew about the whole interlocking and geo merging although it doesnt really need it. This map is a mongoose obstacle course. I did this because i havnt seen this done before accept for once and that course did not look good nor was it fun to play on and the mongoose is my favorite vehicle on Halo 3. On this course there are eleven different obstacles with difficulty ranging from medium to hard. The gametype is VIP and there is a destination at the end of every obstacle. Sorry but im not to good at taking screenshots. It looks better when playing it. Please comment and rate. You dont really need the gametype, its fun to just mess around and try to beat some of the obstacles.

    Im currently working on an actual map. will take a few weeks though due to the amount of interlocking and geo merging.
    New map Spine:50% done. Preview coming soon

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    Now on to some Screenshots​


    First Obstacle
    Bent Bridge. Try to hit it at an angle. Oh and go fast!

    Second Obstacle
    Grav Jump. Not so much an obstacle and more a game of chance. Will you make it up. If you get stuck just hop of your goose and shoot the lift with your pistol and try again.

    Third Obstacle
    Pallet Parade. Move in and out of the single boxes but be carful the pallets are not sturdy. And try not to look down.


    Fourth Obstacle
    Roadblock Run. One of the hardest obstacles on this course. Try to go fast.

    Fifth Obstacle
    Barrel Roll. Swerve slowly in and out of the barrells but dont knock one over or you lose.

    Sixth Obstacle
    Wall Rider. Just drive straight across. Seems easy enough.

    Seventh Obstacle
    Fence Jump. The next three pics you will see are all the same obstacle. you must hit the lift and land on the fence wall above. Go to fast and you go over it but to slow and you wont make it.



    Eighth Obstacle
    The Barrier. Go to slow and your stuck. I advise going fast.

    Ninth Obstacle
    Elevation. Raised and lowered walls at different heights. Take is slow.

    Tenth Obstacle
    Pushover. Gently bump the pallets and then ride across them after they fall. Key word GENTLY!!!


    Eleventh Obstacle
    Paralell Parking. Its a Bi#ch. This was made for the hell of it so just hit the destination.



    BY: Snipes 1023
    #1 Sk3tch, Jul 18, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2008
  2. stearnsy690

    stearnsy690 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    this looks pretty fun... have you completed it? Pallet Parade seems immpossible because pallets fall as soon as they are touched.
  3. Snip3rs Creed

    Snip3rs Creed Ancient
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    I like the looks of this, looks original too good job 4/5
  4. o LiGHTNiNG o

    o LiGHTNiNG o Ancient
    Senior Member

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    It seems pretty interesting. Great idea, maybe not implemented as well as it could have been, but still, good enough. My only concern is that this is in the race track section, which may lead people to get pissy over it being an obstacle course. Some might miss that it is an obstacle course entirely, and whine, "how the hell are you supposed to race on that?" Thus, I reccomend (for your own sake) that it be moved to the casual maps or minigames section.
  5. Sk3tch

    Sk3tch Ancient
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    Quote.Stearnsy 690
    this looks pretty fun... have you completed it? Pallet Parade seems immpossible because pallets fall as soon as they are touched.

    I have completed each obstacle individually but not with the game type so no i havnt completed the hole thing. the pallets actually have receiver nodes under them but the pallets are pushed away from the nodes enough that if you put to much weight on the side or back they will fall.

    thanks i was going for original.
    kepp the comments coming
  6. SargeantSarcasm

    SargeantSarcasm In Loving Memory
    Senior Member

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    although its quite a simple idea and not as original as you have claimed (ive seen many a mongoose-obstacle course) you have executed it quite brilliantly. i especially like your use of pallets throughout the course and the way you set up the roadblock segment. Kudos to you.
  7. Sk3tch

    Sk3tch Ancient
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    yea i was wondering what section to put it in but since it is mongooses and the gametype is a race against the time i figured it would be alright here. ill work on getting it moved.

    if anyone sends me a video of them completing then i will make a v2 or if you have any ideas for my v2 your welcome to tell me
  8. Sk3tch

    Sk3tch Ancient
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    thanks sarge. i only said the original b/c when i made this i had just figured out about forgehub and had only found one other mongoose obstacle course after searching a while
  9. bam3214

    bam3214 Ancient
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    when i first saw this, i thought it was some noobs way of making a race track. but now that i realize its an obstacle coarse, it looks really fun and well put together. I will DL, looks really fun
    kayaman132 likes this.
  10. Sk3tch

    Sk3tch Ancient
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    Thanks Bam. tell me if theres any problems with the map like the game type so i can make it better or fix on my v2
  11. bam3214

    bam3214 Ancient
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    its sooooo much fun :) im trying to make my own version right now! the only thing that could be changed is that one of the pallets in the curvy section coming in and out of the single open boxes is kinda off and sometimes falls upon respawn, and the one pallet that you left down in the section where you knock them over to form bridges i would bring back up.

    But its really, really, really, really fun! Post more if you make more!!
  12. Pirates

    Pirates Ancient
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    This is cool- Goose Course ftw
  13. thebeastlyboy15

    thebeastlyboy15 Ancient
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    looks very cool, 4/5

    also, the mongoose is my fav vehicle too. dont know why though....
  14. Sk3tch

    Sk3tch Ancient
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    Thanks for the feedback. If anyone else is having problems with the pallet just go into forge and move it closer to the single box. That pallet really gave me some trouble when setting up this map b/c it kep falling. ill try to fix .
  15. BunN eeE

    BunN eeE Ancient
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    I like this alot, its a really new inivaitive way for a map, not just an average race map, but a maze race map!!!

    I loved this 6/5

    A definite download!!
  16. Sk3tch

    Sk3tch Ancient
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    Thanks for the comment evil bunny i hope you like it. tell me if you had any problems while playing or anything.
  17. Mr Pokephile

    Mr Pokephile Forge Labs
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Seems pretty orginal. You have some great ideas like the barricade run I find that really cool. Nice work. It looks like its a blast to mess around on .
  18. Sk3tch

    Sk3tch Ancient
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    Thanks for the comment. i usually go into forge with some friends and mess around on this to see whos the best. only played the gametype onve. I failed
  19. x Ezalb Is God x

    Senior Member

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    OMG!! this was one of the hardest courses i have ever attempted. Just the first obstacle took my five trys. Impecable.
  20. Magwriter

    Magwriter Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I liked the course alot. One of my favorites to date. Also one of the most difficult. Props to Snipes cant wait for the V2

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