You know how normally, goal points like hills and whatnot are treated as immovable objects? Yet, on the Platform, the hill point still moves around. I was wondering: 1. Does this apply to other immovable objects, like weapon holders and teleporter nodes? 2. When an immovable object is on other movable BSP, like the platform, does it render them 'movable'? If yes, that sort of explains how elephants can move goal points while other vehicles can't. I was wondering because I thought of an interesting Infection minigame. Basically, humans spawn on top of the platform, where four custom powerups on weapon holders are set on instant respawn. Obviously, the humans will always get these. These powerups make the humans invincible for the minimum time as long as they keep grabbing it. Zombies are on the bottom, spawning with rockets and G-hammers. They want to use these shockwaves to knock the humans off the platform of invincibility and kill them. Obviously, this won't work if weapon holders are still immobile and won't move.
That's a good thing to look into... "The Platform" is a good map to demonstrate this... But I think only objectives that stick to objects become movable... but teleporters and weapon holders might work... maybe even turrets and power-ups... anyone want to investigate...
If you put floating reciever nodes under and above each corner or edge of the platform then it SHOULD work. I am at school right now but as soon as I get home I will try it.
I think that the weapon holders will become immovable once they are placed on that platform. But, I'm not sure. Try it out.