You want to know what i think? I think you should read the sticky at the top of the page. Here is a link: Read before posting Your post on is no better: BS. You are just too lazy to make it work. If your map really deserves both 5/5s it was given, then you need to fix your post for it to get any attention here.
Follow the map posting rules, they'll allow people to make a greater judgment, which if your pant is of a good standard, will point towards increased downloads. Although, I did download your map to see what it was like and to give you some constructive criticism, and today is your lucky day! In your Bungie thread you claim that this map is great for assault, slayer and CTF, yet every gametype except for infection lacks spawn points or even objective points. In all honesty, you should take this map down until you've assigned some spawn points and objectives to each gametype. You need to assign spawn points for the attacking team in your infection gametype. Also, add more spawn points to the Defending team and spread them out slightly so they can't be spawn killed. Need to work on your weapon balance. Power weapons should be spread around and not as common, or near each other. In one two I found there was a Sniper Rifle and 2 Shotguns, which pretty much encourages camping