The PS3, the zombie

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Grif, Jan 22, 2008.


Threat or not a threat?

  1. Threat

    0 vote(s)
  2. Not really

    0 vote(s)
  3. Blu-Ray player with a game system attached

  4. Not at all

  5. RAG: Rest as grill, because that was the only cool thing a PS3 ever did. Make bacon.

    0 vote(s)
  1. Grif

    Grif Na'vi Tits
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    Lets admit it, hell lets all cry out in joy, that the PS3 sucks!

    I however have one.

    So the PS3 had a terrible start. It was the cheapest Blu-Ray player on the market though when it came out. The price has been lowered, and Metal Gear Solid 4 is coming. And you know how much a killer game can do for a console. *cough*Halo*cough*. Should we be worried?

    Now also think of this, the new PS3 have lost features like backwards compatibility. I mean, come on Sony.

    PS Home will be coming out eventually.

    For muliti platform games and gamers: One reason to buy the 360 version of a game is for the Achievements, we love them!

    Some PS3s have been made into grills, the 360 can't cook bacon!

    PS3 threat or no threat?
  2. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    but not for FPS games, its more for adventure/RPG maps
  3. o2oGodsMistake

    o2oGodsMistake Ancient
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    Eventually the PS3 will be a threat just face it, it has some truly amazing capabilties and everntually it will most likely challange xbox 360, maybe with in the next few months with new games coming out. But until that moment comes xbox 360 will rule all lol.
  4. opothehippo

    opothehippo Ancient
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    It may be better in some stupid way but I like the 360, its got nicer controllers, a comfortable design, xbox live, and a homey feel. As long as people are on live, im with the 360.

    I also hate sony with all my heart.
  5. Poztar

    Poztar Ancient
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    The PS3 is a good system, there's no doubting that. Most all the best 360 games come out for computer anyway so you could just get a PS3 and a good computer. It also has some killer graphics, and a lot of exclusive games. The 360 is widespread though, so a lot of people have it, and a lot of people are on XBL. Community for the win.
  6. Captain Acorn

    Captain Acorn Ancient
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    imo i think ps3 messed up in the last generating by letting rockstar spread gta its wings and go to other consuls. That was their halo and they just let them go? Then at e3 they show killzone 2 then they end it their. They had the hook in every ones mouth then just let us move on. Then the blu ray format is not made for making games so game designers don’t like that. They get set price way to high (We had a ps3 for a least for four mouths until it sold) then all their big games for the 2007 year other then heavenly sword flopped. Now they make a ps3 THAT ISN’T BACKWARDS COMPADABL WHAT!! That was one of their biggest selling points. Now usually I would say wait until e3 but I think we’ll get a lot of what we already got, Great prerendered movies that don’t have games to back them up. The only thing I find is that people are willing to by it just for mgs though. But that’s not all spor is coming out this spring/summer and I’m not sure if it’s going to by on games for windows but if it is OMG if haven’t seen this game leave this forum now and be amazed. But as I as i said before imo.
  7. Fbu

    Fbu Ancient
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    MGS4 looks fun. You should send me your PS3 ;)
  8. Wakko45

    Wakko45 Ancient
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    Threat, I've seen it cook a mean steak or two.
  9. CHUCK

    CHUCK Why so serious?
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    it's ahead of its time, they went too big too early, making it too expensive with no stand out games to back it up. just give it time...

    honestly, who has blue ray?? not many in the middle class.
  10. Gigith

    Gigith Ancient
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    Yeah, the controllers soo damn small that keeping fingers on all of the triggers/bumpers hurts.
    What sony? Do you want me to use X as jump? I'm not THAT stupid.

    Though I do like my PS3, just because it has games my 360 doesn't, like RPGs and such.
  11. David 118

    David 118 Ancient
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    all i know is that the only thing i have heard that the ps3 has over the 360 is its graphics and if thats it then it can never be better than the 360.
  12. TheYavimayan

    TheYavimayan Ancient
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    Not a threat, never has been, never will be...the only plus I have heard about PS3s are free PSN, which will suck anyway
  13. Codexx

    Codexx Ancient
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    I think Sony is making bad choice after bad choice.

    The newer consoles cost less, but frill features were left in while essentials were left out.

    The 2 newest models, the 80 gig and 40 gig, both look the same as the old 60 gig, have the chromec lining, they have wi-fi chips in them from the start, and so on, except instead of hardware emulation for the PS2, it has Software emulation. But the 40 gig is missing PS2 emulation.

    I have to question that. They'll let you have free Wi-Fi out of the box and equip them with chrime trim, but they'll remove the software? I find it hard to believe it costs them LESS to remove software emulation. Hardware, sure, building a PS2 AND a PS3 costs more money than adding software to it, but why leave it out? It means paying someone to remove it, and it also means that it's harder to test future firmware upgrades, because now you need one for the Firmware with PS2 emulation, and another for the 40 gig.

    Sony also announded they'd cut the price for production of each unit in half, but now they're breaking even on each console sold. And it's still just as huge as it was day one.

    If I were them I'd add software emulation, get rid of the huge Hard Drives, remove Wi-Fi, and get a smaller PhysX card. Although now their options are much more limited, because the games are being made to rely on the hardware. If they wanted to completely remove the PhysX card or Blu-Ray player, they had a chance, but now, what are they supposed to tell game devs? "Sorry, but now you're limited to DVD, and all those PhysX programming? remove all that, you can't use it anymore on new PS3s. In Fact, you can't make the game like this at all, because we don't want future buyers to be unable to play games because we watered down the system"? No, they can't. Kojima, quite possibly the only one up for exclusive titles out there, would be pissed. Sony's lost enough exclusives. If GTA and many others stayed, hell, even if GTA had episodic content, I'd buy them for the PS3. But the graphics aren't any better when multiplatform, and GTA has a deal with M$ for episodic 360 content only.
  14. TXGhost

    TXGhost Ancient
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    I think since Blu-Ray has one the war a lot of people will be looking into wanting to buy a Blu-Ray player (at least I am) and everyone loves a deal so why not get a PS3 that plays games while also playing Blu-Ray. Also with the hot games coming out for it such as Metal Gear and Uncharted: Drake's Fortune gamers may take the dive. Other games also that are already out like MotorStorm, and Resistance. And people will feel the nolstagia for GTA IV and wanting to play it on its "home" console. Also the new Home feature sort of like Second Life, this is a big selling feature at least to me it is. With all these features, games, and other stuff, PS3 is becoming a serious threat to Microsoft's Xbox 360.

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