Heres the link to the map: IF YOU ARE DOWNLOADING PLEASE COMMENT! Here is a link to the game type n00bz which is needed for this map: YOU NEED THE GAMETYPE! HERE IS A FULL SUMMARY FOR YOU PEOPLE WHO DONT WANT TO READ A WALL OF TEXT: I made a map that resembles and is very close to where bungie studios is (this is where bungie works) i made the key areas that are important to make the map really look like bungies headquarters so it could be an infection map Hello! On February the 30th 2008 I read someone’s pointless thread of creating a multiplayer map out of Bungie Studios. Well after some thinking I decided to give it a shot in foundry, when I was finished it didn’t look anything like Bungie’s Headquarters of awesomeness so I watched the bonus disks I had that came with the legendary Halo 3 set. I realized I needed only the key points that were important to the geometry: The front entrance Security guards post Back entrance The smelly vent from the restrooms that went outside The hacky sack Desks Marty’s Office (Email or die!) So after it was organized, I knew I was in for a long working. I couldn’t do the fuse objects glitch very well so I decided to take a shot and found out I could do it with bridges and linked the floor together, eventually things caught on until I ran out of money (dangit!) and I didn’t have the supplies or money to make a roof so I went with what I had for the base, now I went on to scenery. I used barriers as desks and decided to make office borders (see screen shots to get a better understanding) out of pallets and between them is a barrel which is basically a small desk. (Small barrels are seats) after I was finished I found out it could only be used as a 1v1 map or as an infection map (infection is the better choice) N00bz: the variant for the map is called this because the zombies are noobs who gained super powers and are attacking Bungie to get recon armor! You must stop them! And no you cannot has recon armor! The zombies have swords only and are at 200% speed, however their health has been dropped in half but the alpha zombies health is 90%. Next zombie is set to random and the zombies start at the parking lot. Humans start of with assault rifles and shotguns, because of limited weaponry I have decreased the respawn time of the weapons as to give everyone in bungie headquarters a fair chance, Now I know what your thinking “This is a stupid hold out map isn’t it?” well it is somewhat but I have put three access points for the zombies to enter through, the front door, the back door and remember how I said I could not build a roof? That’s pretty much the only hint I’m going to give you about the third entry point. Final notes: This is my first map I’m putting out on here so don’t kill me! Bungie, before you ask where the break room is, it’s by the flamethrower which is on the table which is the break room (the weapon holders are coffee mugs) The sniper rifle, I increased in respawn time of it Marty I don’t want to ruin your office, I only thought your office would be a great hold out, after all remember Simmons’ zombie plan? Im sorry I could not get Ling-Lings head! I spent a total of 29 hours on this! The warthogs are usable by humans but are pretty much worthless, you cannot get them in the building, and I have tried like 15 times. The map is called Bung33 due to the censorship thing In Game Screenshots: He’s a goner: Well, I’m dead: The beginning of a round (I’m by the carbine by the turret which is unseeable right now): Heres the last two remaining people who had the idea of fighting off the zombies in Marty’s office. *Marty’s voice in the background* “Email or die!”: Key shots of cool things: Parking Lot (the best spot is in between the warthog and the truck): The security guard works here, and he has a gravity hammer to make sure you don’t get in(as refrence to a photo): Inside Overviews (the outside doesn’t look all that great): View of the “desks”: Guess who works here? It’s Marty O’ Donnell: Here is the back of the building, the “Hackysack” is the firebomb grenade and the vent that allows unpleasant and upchucking smells is the window panel: A view from the turret:
Bungie says no! If their foes know the locaton and geometry of Bungie's headquarters, they could slow or stop Bungie's plan of World Domination! Since I don't know the HQ myself, I don't know what to say as a nod to the studio. It passes as a plain ol' map though.
It looks like there are too many power weapons on the map. I dl anyway cause of concept and my friend in infectaholic. But a flamethrower? And isn't the needler and brute shot combo a bit too much?
Wozers! And i don't ever say that! 10/10 looks good! thumbs way up dude! props its really cool. nice layout and interlocking!
bungies preparing to combat the horrible zombies that theyve created. the interlocking is good, but i can see you had a hard time recreating all those real life things. a hacky sac as a fire bomb grenade. genious!