Facility 2N1

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by or gun ducks, Jan 19, 2008.

  1. or gun ducks

    or gun ducks Ancient
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    Download Map Here

    Gametype: any gametype you want the map is set up for all gametypes​


    Welcome to Facility 2N1 a map that is two slightly different maps in one. Its two maps in one because when you play any symmetrical type game you play in a small arena with fast action. But when you play any asymmetrical gametype you get a longer map that makes you use strategy to get the objective.

    Symmetrical gametypes include slayer, king of the hill, multi flag, multi bomb, two sided vip, neutral bomb, oddball, and two sided territories.

    Asymmetrical gametypes include infection, one flag, one bomb, juggernaut, one sided vip, and one sided territories

    Symmetrical map

    Asymmetrical map

    Those two maps are the exact same they are just being played in two different gametypes

    Map descriptions

    Description of map 1-The symmetrical map

    The map is a square with two very small bases at each side that prevent people from just camping in a base. There are two double open boxes in the middle parallel with the base with stairways on both sides leading up to a bubble sheild spawn and underneath in the two double boxes are maulers. There are plenty of brs and sticky gernades spawn in the bases to prevent people from just controlling the middle and there is also an ar and plasma pistol spawn on each side of the map. This is great for oddball and free for all slayer matches and also plays out nicely with team slayer. This map is design with 2-6 players in mind

    Description of map 2-The asymmetrical map

    This map is rectangular with one half being map one with the deletion of the defenders base, and an addition of a brute shot and a shotgun, the other half is the new defenders base with a turret and a sniper rifle blocking the two doors (and one teleporter) that allow entrance into the objective room. there is a teleporter in the objective room that allows quick escape from the room and back into the regular part of the map. This map is design with 4-12 players in mind.


    Q: Do i have to download two seperate maps
    A: No its only one map that is set up through forge to be different in different gametypes.

    Q: I saw a invisibility and overshield in you screenshots, can people get those?
    A: No they are for deceration purposes only and are not accessible.

    more coming after more people try out the map


    Br Lanes in both maps allow for competive battles

    Small empty bases that prevent camping(only one of these in asymmetrical type)

    Maulers spawn underneath middle (at least the middle of the symmetrical map)

    Bubble shield that spawns in both maps

    Turret at defender's base on asymmetrical gametypes

    Sniper spawn at defenders base in asymmetrical map

    Shotgun that spawns only in asymmetrical map

    Objective room

  2. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    What's with the text all being in the center? Just to be different. It's common practice to put large blocks of text aligned with the left margin. It's much easier to read. I won't read your description or download the map till you do. Sorry, I just don't see a reason for it to be centered.

    But the screenshots look pretty.
  3. TrueDarkFusion

    TrueDarkFusion Ancient
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    Why are there so many power ups on the map?
  4. or gun ducks

    or gun ducks Ancient
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    Wow I didn't really think that would be a promblem but since you said something I aligned left most of the text but I still left some items in the center so it would look nice.
  5. or gun ducks

    or gun ducks Ancient
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    As I put in the FAQ the power ups are for looks only and are not accesible
  6. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    Thanks for fixing the text. Now that I know it is a small map, and I like small maps, I'll download it and check it out.
  7. !nikheizen

    !nikheizen Ancient
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    for some reason the bb code isn't working when I view it... not sure why
    Is anyone else experiencing this problem? (and it is just this page)
  8. Draxfear

    Draxfear Ancient
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    Yeah same here. Forgehub needs to work on their consistency! lol
  9. Stolenpoo

    Stolenpoo Ancient
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    I cant see it either
  10. or gun ducks

    or gun ducks Ancient
    Senior Member

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    yeah the code aint working on my computer either, but for only this thread
  11. Cr0ok3d

    Cr0ok3d Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Have you tried re-typing the information displayed and see if it resets?
  12. or gun ducks

    or gun ducks Ancient
    Senior Member

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    wow worked like a charm

    stuff is back up guys

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