Please download, comment, and tell your friends. My Gamertag is Ryan101Gamer. Download My Blockade Map Here This is your last defense. Get ready for the zombie's strongest force. There are secret ways to the roof and a little room with doors that have a late spawn. Also if you jump on a man cannon the right way you can go to a bridge in the sky and have a good defense. This map has catapults, a gauss turrent, and a wraith turrent. Use the wraith to block the stairs along with a crate and deployable shield. Have fun. Created by Ryan101Gamer. Outside of the Blockade First Level Second Level Download My Blockade Map Here
Double post. Can a mod delete or lock this thread? The map is cool though, I know your new here so I'll give it a 5/5.
yeah cool map dude i'd have to give you propps on the name cuz i have a map named blockade to but mines blockade v4.5 so yeah kinda different i'll but check it out though
Looks like a fun map but no DL, DONT DOUBLE POST! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My Maps Launchers Work In Progress Field Of Barrek Brainstorming-Forging-Testing-Editing-Testing-Finished/Posted
The base looks pretty cool but make sure you don't double post it can reasult in an infraction. I havn't seen a foundry map with a wrath in a while... Good work!
the inside of the blockade looks sorta randomly put and i dont think you geomerged anything. looks fun though. try making it look better
Politely ask a moderator to delete one of the posts and you can avoid getting an infraction, that's the only way to do it.
wow another zombie wall map and turrets with a long hallway. WOw the zombies must be dying to play and I also see and armory; happy camping everyone! Make a map thats more original and then people will download it.
eh this guy is always rating harshly. looks good. 7/10 from what i've seen. looks good. i'll give it a DL