objective game types question

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by aeneasiii, Jan 22, 2008.

  1. aeneasiii

    aeneasiii Ancient
    Senior Member

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    hi guys
    hoping someone can help me with this. I bet it is something simple.
    Forging a map on foundry.
    I am setting it up for the following game types:
    1. slayer - team - no problem here
    2. slayer - no problem here
    3. territories - seems to work fine
    4. multi-flag - I want to have two teams, each with a flag to defend at their base, each with a flag to go get at the other teams base - multiflag. It seems to work but I need to test it again tonight
    5. assault - this is where the problem is - no matter what I do, whenever I go into custom games to do assault I get a bomb to spawn at one of the bases. It is not spawning in the middle where I want it to spawn. Is there a special way to set this up?
    I have it set up as:
    blue base - bomb return - attackers
    red base - bomb return - defenders
    central bomb spawn
    when I do a custom game of assault it spawns the bomb at one of the bases at an area that was not there when I saved the map. any idea what I am doing incorrectly?
    Did I do the wrong game type?

  2. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    The middle one should be set as Neutral. For the multi-bomb, I'm sure you need more than one person to test it, at least two, one on each team.
  3. Grimz13

    Grimz13 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yea you got make sure that you got the teams right and make sure the middle on is neutral
  4. aeneasiii

    aeneasiii Ancient
    Senior Member

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    thanks guys

    so for neutral bomb, which is the game type I play on assault:

    bomb spawn - neutral
    if red = attackers - bomb planting location in red base would be defenders
    in blue base would be attackers.
    that right?

    the ctf was messed up too, at least it seems so.

    flag spawn
    flag return

    it would seem to me that it should be (if both are on the same spot): blue = defenders

    blue base would have - flag spawn - attackers
    flag return - defenders

    red base would have - flag spawn defenders
    flag return - attackers

    is that correct?
    If u need two people than that may be why it seems like it is not working
    thanks again

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