The Evolution of Forge

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Grif, Jan 21, 2008.

  1. Grif

    Grif Na'vi Tits
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    This was talked about on the podcast some, but have you noticed this.

    When Halo 3 came out Forge was fun and there were lots of maps that were changed, but now these aren't edited maps made in Forge, but completely new maps.
  2. Orangeremi

    Orangeremi Ancient
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    Well.. You are correct, but I think this is only because of the DLC. Althought there is Last Resort. I still do think you're correct.
  3. Soggydoughnuts

    Soggydoughnuts Ancient
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    It is, however here is the real question...What is next?

  4. Killer Carebear

    Killer Carebear Ancient
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    Up next are aesthetic maps modeling me.
  5. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    Immunity to assassinations. That will bring so much custom content.
  6. ShadowSnip3r RC

    ShadowSnip3r RC Ancient
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    I believe you are correct. These days in my opinion the map cannot be creative if it looks exactly like the default version. Major changes need to be made so that it looks like a completly new map with new features and layouts. This is what makes it a new map.
  7. Pepper2000

    Pepper2000 Ancient
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    What is next is modifications

    Too few wall objects on Foundry
    Make placing things easier (Like make almost a grid type of thing)
    And a Forge Matchmaker playlist
  8. Poztar

    Poztar Ancient
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    Please excuse if I'm a fool for saying this, but would immunity to assassinations REALLY be all that revolutionary? To me the fact that you can't do it is just a minor setback.
  9. Soviet Skibum

    Soviet Skibum Ancient
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    They ought to make it so you can change the weather in Forge. (snow 24/7)
  10. Ray Benefield

    Ray Benefield Godly Perfection
    Forge Critic

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    Yes it is... I actually have about 4 gametypes/maps that fail because of immunity to assassinations. (Asper's Boss Battle, Sharks on The Aquarium, Squads, Armored Core, basically anything with high damage resistance or invulnerability for a reason) If they do come out with immunity to assassinations, then you will see why it makes a difference. When you give someone invulnerability or make them hard to kill... it is for a reason. Assassinations completely bypass that.

    It ruins games... in Armored Core you are supposed to have LOADS of Health and 1 life. If you get assassinated you are out for the round cuz of something stupid. In Hobo Heights, the game gets ruined when all people do is assassinate the zombie... that's why I didn't like the first one. In Sharks on The Aquarium, sharks are really slow, but immune to everything... except assassinations. Humans can take advantage of that and just rush the shark to assassinate him, cuz it's funny... but it ruins the game. Squads was made so that you can last long enough for you to return to your squad leader or for your squad leader to stay alive long enough for you to get to him... if you flank him to deal damage without retaliation that's fine. But if you flank him and just straight up assassinate him, what's the point of even shooting at him in the first place.

    So yes Poztar, Immunity to Assassinations is a must. If we don't get it I will not be very happy at all.
  11. Gravedigger5454

    Gravedigger5454 Ancient
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    But, what about gametypes that have already been created, there are many that have been made around it. They will have to have assasination immunity off by default in those. For a long time, there has been the fact that you can always still asassianate or splatter, if it's suddenly changed, it could cause a lot of problems. They would have to edit the custom games editor to add a new trait "immune to assasinations," if they do edit it, that would be great though, however many people would want more new options as well, as assasination immunity won't really add much more options, unless you want completely invincible players. If they do decide to add new options to custom games, it will mean a lot of work, and a lot of testing. If they do it, it'll be great, but don't get your hopes up.
  12. Ray Benefield

    Ray Benefield Godly Perfection
    Forge Critic

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    However, they have already proven there is code for immunity to assassinations. If friendly fire is turned off you are immune to assassinations from friendlies. They can do it... they have to edit the map reader just a bit, but it is possible. It will be added in the general settings tag which is a template and is used for all gametypes.

    Changing the map reader for a minor tweak would be easy. If a map doesn't have an immunity to assassinations property then default to disabled. That is one line of code for the reader. Probably wouldn't be an if-then statement. Most likely an exception that could be handled very easily. I know my code grave...
  13. MealonX

    MealonX Ancient
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    well I could see them coming out with immune to assasinations, but they might as well add more weapons to the starting weapons, maybe a no-weapon, the glow function that was in the beta custom game glitch, and more. I mean while their at it...
  14. Lone Deity

    Lone Deity Ancient
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    Oh how I remember the days when putting every weapon in a small room, and blocking it off with small items. One of my friends said, "I made the best map!" Well I knew how bad it was going to be.

    "I put 8 ghosts, 2 scorpions, 4 warthogs, 8 mongooses, fuel rod cannons, fusion coils, and rocket launchers on the level with the big base!"
  15. Poztar

    Poztar Ancient
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    Oh. I just realized that whole "lots of health with one life" thing totally applies to a map idea of mine. Crap you're totally right.
  16. Ufochaser42

    Ufochaser42 Ancient
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    Here is my list:

    1. Being able to set times at which objects can de-spawn. We can already have objects appear at certain intervals, why not make them disappear as well?

    2. Customize weapon attributes: power, shots per clip, tracking abilities... We could remake the H1 pistol to use in map remakes, or make homing Spartan Lasers... You could even include explodable objects into this, and allow for change in power/radius of explosion.

    3. Customize color of objects. Maybe even just have a hue-changer similar to what is used with custom characters in the tony hawk series. This would allow for more realism in remakes as well (Midship would have lots of blue and purple)

    4. Deformable terrain: Ho awesome would it be to actually be able to raise the ground at certain points and make hills, or drop it to make valleys. This would also be helpful for the following:

    5. Water. I know its been said a million times before, but being able to add water would have a huge impact on maps. Rivers, lakes, completely submerged maps, flooded basements... i think i wet myself a little there.

    6. Boundary-Free Foundry. I understand why there is a $ limit, and why there can only be X amounts of items at a time. But why must i fit it all into such a cramped area? Why can't i spread it out over a map the size of Sandtrap, if i want? By removing upper boundaries, you could have some awesome tower maps. And by removing the lower boundary (floor) we could create falling-death zones.

    Well, i've had my say. I've been wanting to say it ever since joining, but was waiting for the right thread to come along. I still say we need to sticky a list of the better ideas somewhere likely to be seen by Bungie...
  17. FallDamage

    FallDamage Ancient
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    THIS HAS TO BE DONE i cant stress this enough
  18. Gravedigger5454

    Gravedigger5454 Ancient
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    I agree, what ever happened to that thing they were talking about where the "custom games editor will have so much functionality, you'll be able to set it up so someone will be literally on fire if they get enough kills." You can make leader traits, but we can't make them on fire.
  19. kayaman132

    kayaman132 Ancient
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  20. Admiral_Mubutu

    Admiral_Mubutu Ancient
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    Super ultimate QFT.

    I have to somewhat diisagree with hobo heights though.

    I like in v2 to jump down and merely push him off XD

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