Some of you may have noticed the "I support Bob Barr" signature that I have been toting about the forums. I have noticed other users toting the signature too. In my opinion Bob Barr is the only candidate that supports real change. Here's his stance on the leading issues. Add the following minisig to your signature and help start a revolution. Every vote does count. Let's show Washington that the people desire real change!
Agreed. Also if you're running low on space in your sig I made a smaller one: (Follow size rules or you will die in your sleep tonight >:\)
I keep hearing about Mr. Barr, I will be reviewing this link and getting back to you, or just putting that in my sig.
Just a few things I saw and was in love with: Iraq War: Health Care: Education and Home Schooling: Marriage: Now, I will be voting for Bob Barr come election day, mostly because his views look very appealing, and the current candidates are rather irritating. I don't really like what they stand for personally, especially Hillary, considering she is so two-face...or multi-faced...She'll be saying one thing at one gathering one day, the next she'll be saying the opposite. =/ I appreciate this TrueDark, as I have been looking for this site for quite some time...I guess I was more lazy then anything considering his name is really easy to spell and a simple google would have sufficed... Thanks again, and this will be in my sig. EDIT: I forgot to say one thing... I don't know whether or not he will follow through with these things...No one can ever foresee a candidates actions...Though, the views I'm seeing are very similar to that of mine. So I hope to see his go into action.
That's the exact problem. The media isn't going to show anything about Barr, only candidates from the Republican and Democratic parties.
Bob Barr, is an orgasmic candy bar from the far reaches of outer space [/spam]. Bob Barr is presidential candidate with many constructive solutions about the problems America, and the rest of the world faces today. He IS the person who should be in office.
Seeing as I'm not of legal voting age, there's really no point in my supporting a candidate. However, you guys are onto something. The Internet is an extremely powerful tool, and its power has yet to be shown to the general public. What if, somehow, we were able to make Bob Barr's presidential campaign into a widely known Internet meme? When everyone started Rick Rolling, Astley's song suddenly jumped on radio charts, even after twenty some years. If we use the Internet, the last "free" frontier of media, to popularize Bob Barr, logically he could stand a chance. Just my thoughts.
too bad most of the kids on this forum arent even old enough to vote lol unfortunately i dont think a candidate like this will have a chance at this point in time
The media just likes to cover Republicans vs. Democrats, unfortunately. Also, just because I am not of legal voting age, doesn't mean I can't spread word and support a presidential candidate.