I don't know if anyone else has seen this but they have some pretty cool glitches and tricks. Their playlist is: http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=BA4F658F9B05CE2A
One of the best Halo tricks so far IMO is the equipment jump. You're the last man alive, zombies bearing down on you. They've chased you to the top of the base on Last Resort and they're everywhere. You grab the radar jammer, running to the side of the base with zombies down below, zombies coming closer, what do you do? Suddenly, you jump off the edge, seemingly into the jaws of a waiting sword lunge with their trigger fingers happily awaiting your descent. But wait! Bam! Radar jammer TO THE FACE! You land safely on the power wires and wait safely until the timer runs out as zombies cry themselves to sleep.