Don't you guys agree that the Bungie Favorites are complete crap? They choose soo many stupid pictures. for instance [img width=800 height=450][/img] A person on fire. INCREDIBLE!!!! [img width=800 height=450][/img] Assasinated! *Gasp* [img width=800 height=600][/img] wow a person on a hornet. AMAZING!!!!!! [img width=800 height=450][/img] A warthog exploding!!!!!!! [img width=800 height=450][/img] A person on fire. ZOMG!!!!!!!! Arn't these complete crap???? How r they even chosen to be "Favorites"??? What do you think???
I've noticed that a good amount of Bungie favorites are lackluster to say the least. But Bungie will continue to put those horribly average, not to mention easy to take pictures and vids up. I'm sure most of us here at FH have takin way better Screens and vids, considering we all say so. So, if even half of the members truly have awesome content then it is up to us all to search it out and get as many people to download it as possible. Downloading being the only way I know of of getting Bungies attention drawn to it.
yea most of it is crap, but some have a name that makes it funny. the assasination one is called "fear my kung-fu", not a 'fall-out-of-your-chair-roflcopter' funny thing, but it has intentional humor
I've ignored this thread for a while, but now I feel like ranting. It's called Bungie favorites, not azadbal Favorites, not Community Favorites. They can choose whatever content they want. You might agree or disagree with their opinions. Also, people are so caught up with getting on Bungie Favorites and I don't understand it. You have to realize that the people at Bungie do not sit down in a conference room and take votes on which content to include. They have more important things to do. It's probably 1-3 people picking content, and there is a lot of content to wade through. They can't possibly see it all. And if someone's pic is chosen, that probably reflects the opinions of 1-3 people. Why are their opinions so important to you? If you posted a pic and some guy said "great pic," would it matter who it was? Would it somehow mean more to you if the guy was a programmer at some video game developer? I'd rather hear "great pic" from an art major, or a photographer, because they know about layout and composition and whatnot. At the end of the day, no one gets anything for being in Bungie Favorites. All it means is that one person liked your pic. One out of thousands. Who cares? Making great maps and taking cool screenshots is enough for me, I don't need accolades from some guy who I never met.
I postz filez picz can i has rec0nz plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
They ARE pretty bad pictures, and other pictures DO deserve more recognition, but really. It's Bungie. They do what they want.
First of all I thought the hornet one was fairly cool and most of those pics are from when halo first came out before the whole community started making files.
Good point Furious. And while I agree with everything you said, I still am disapointed with Bungie Favorites. It's such a great tool to spotlight awesome content every week. Like the spotlight on Forge Hub, only magnified 100 times. Anything on Bungie favorites has a guaranteed download by thousands. It'd be great if we could start seeing the best stuff out there, or even the good stuff. Just no more crap, please. But I just had an idea. Remember how Bungie featured Forge Hub's Best Maps of 2007? Obviously Bungie is very interested in what we got going here. What if we were to propose our favorites to Bungie? Bungie could, of course, use them or not... ultimately it's up to them, but think of it from Bungie's perspective. They are a team of developers. They're very busy, as Furious said, so they don't really have time to sort through all the millions of files posted. But take a look at Forge Hub... they're a large, organized, and well respected community group. We already feature maps, and there are a lot of good maps on the site. Why not take our opinions on what should be featured? Espescially since we'll work for free, they still have the final word on what gets put up, and the map section on Bungie Favorites is horribly neglected anyways... What do you guys think?