I found this a while ago and I thought is was so funny. Its just a kid that gets argues with his mother and gets smacked with his mic still on. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GxvDPtejrpQ
Yes, you found it. I love this. I couldnt stop laughing when I first saw this. Its a bit messed up, but its still quite hilarious.
hahaha thats almost as funny as the one where the dad gets the mic and starts going off on the teens. This one you can easily identifiy where the smack came in.hilarious. but sad.
I'm trying to figure out why he got smacked lol. I THINK he was swearing about black people? (No, im not being rascist because i THINK i heard it in the video). Same as the last guy said, Hilarious but sad.
Yea i think it was racism aswell but it is pretty funny but he should really show his/her mum more respected.
I found that funny but I think these two are just better all in all I laughed at both of them. Here you go- http://youtube.com/watch?v=mnDUO29yMpI YouTube - Zugma yells at his mom while on Halo 2 LOL
poor kid, but very funny good find kinda sly on the kid, its even on youtube, that must be embaressing but still gave everyone a good 3 minutes of laughter