Do you have a really cool map that just can't be described in screenshots? Send me an in game message and show me your map, maybe i'll play a few games with you, and I'll create a video showing off your map. Edit: I use a pinnicle studio capture box and Pinnicle studio 9 to make my movies. It's the same software that Dighital Ph33r uses in his machinima. My capture isn't completly perfect but let just say I can still make out the words on the cigarette box on foundry on the ground when i watch the video. It's pretty good. -Gamertag: Zachary9990
Probably belongs as a line in your signature instead of a forum post, but I just might take you up on it. I'm curious - what do you use for video capture?
A capture card. I just got one. Ive made 2 vids using it: 1 of multiteam slayer of my map SpaceAge v2 (link in my signature) 1 of my friend Rah92 getting out of The Ark
Cool plus rep and ill send you a friend request could you upload a video of me getting a perfection and one of me hiding.
I was trying to see if anyone would upload a video of maps for people. I would love to show you my map because I love it :squirrel_giggle:.