Halo Talk Plz join or at least check it out. The forum was just created yesterday so make some posts plz!
I'm not? cuz this is my own site... Anyway, if u wanna be a mod, i'll be glad to make u one as long as u don't screw things up and do what ur supposed to do. after all, as of now, i'm the only member
If u wanna linu u can be a mod. like i said to mort, just don't screw things up and do what ur supposed to do. also, ty for joining. jus PM on my site if u really are interested. also, jugg, i made a post for my other site and i didn't get any issues. i don't see why this is a prob
Three rules of making a forums: Don't advertise on other forums. Don't make random people you meet on the internet mods so they will join. And last but not least, shut the **** up. tyvm kthxbai