Thank you. I'm currently trying many new things with my map making. I'm doing a themed mini-game. I've attempted merging in the back alley with several different objects. In my Mini-Game map, I got a Fence wall back there and a wall double. This got the majority of its attention within the first couple days and then it died down, quite a bit. That was quite frustrating, considering all the comments it received.
Wow...nice merging and interlocking... I like that you had open areas as well as in enclosed areas. This makes for great gameplay.
The merging the box in the alley has inspired me to do some incredibly difficult merging on blackout. There's just so many variables, all the railings, pipes, poles, weird angles, and windows make it just insane! oh btw lube, (hehehe) has anyone gotten stairs in the back alley yet? i remember us trying it for a while, but i cant remember if we completed it or not.
Nah they/we didnt do it. I'll have to give it a try when I'm next online. I got an object in the middle of the back alley, where people would normally place a door I put a fence wall.
you know how with some merging, when it is like barely sticking out, it is visible from some points of view but from others, it is completely invisible? does that still happen in custom games? cause i seem to be having a lot of issues with this on blackout. i have a little bit of a box sticking out, and it is invisible, so it looks like an invisible barrier.
I havent tested that. Most of the merges I've done have been very deep. So that they're visible at all angles
hmm ok then i guess i will test it in a little bit. are you online right now? i want to show you my blackout merges so far. EDIT: sorry for getting off-topic in this thread. MY B.
damn, ok well, in approximately how many hours do you think you will get on? if you have no idea just say that lol.
okay, damn, i really hate time differences. when i get up you go to bed. when you get up, i go to bed. lol well ill be on on and off too, so c ya then, lube.
damn nice job with the interlocking in the tunnels and also the crane, hard stuff there and also, i noticed this map makes foundry seem bigger? idk why but nice job on that
very nice, very nice, its like a cluttered Kentucky Tango, now you just need an epic fence bridge, not sure where, but it definitely needs one, and GEOMERGING IN THE ALLEY?!?!?!?!?!1/1/1/1/1!?!?!?1/11/1/1/1/1?1/!/1?!/1/1?1?! no fair. too bad no one like ever goes in there unless they spawn there, but still. amazing...
I tried to make it kind of like that. You mainly go in there because you've spawned there. But I also put in a Mauler and 2 firebombs to make it a bit more enticing.
i cant believe i never came across this map when this was posted. the merging in this map is just excellent. espiecally in the back hallway. i think i know how you did that... and if its how i think... that mustve been a HUGE pain. anyway i cant say much about the map right now til i play it. so i'll DL and try to play it to get further feedback.
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Community Reviewer: I Carter I =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Map Review- Description: 5/5 Pictures: 5/5 Map Idea: 4/5 Map Quality {layout}: 3/5 Map Quality {looks}: 2.5/5 Comments: Ok I'm going to post something a bit different to what everyone else has posted, which is a bit risky considering I've just been arguing how accurate CR reviews are. But this is my honest opinion: there is a lot of clever geo-merging, but overall the map feels a bit like a number of different structures thrown together, and this doesn't flow very well. I think it was what you were aiming for, but it doesn't really work for me. I mean, the structure in the green corner looks really good, but the part you called the 'shanty area' does look a bit tacky and boxy. I know you were *aiming* for it to look like a shanty area, but it just looks like a poorly forged building. You could have made it look similar to the interior of... I think it's called 'Shihuru Village'. That map pulls off the shanty theme quite well, with the cramped internal corridors and stuff. Anyway yeah, some nice ideas, but overall the layout and some of the aesthetics feel a bit basic. Edit: Forgot to add that the geomerging in the back alley is immense. Overall: 3/5 [note this isn't an average, it's my overall opinion of the map] =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ~I Carter I Want another map reviewed? Want to become a reviewer? Message me.