Betrayal 1 - Betrayal 2 -
Dear god, that was fckin epic. Someone should make a group devoted to betraying now. That would be hilarious. Nice montage?
You know, it actually takes more skill to kill someone on your own team than someone on the other team, because it doesn't lock on to them, and so all the aiming skill is in your hands (even with the autolock thing off, it still tracks a little least for me <_<). Good job, man. Generally, I hate running into people like you online, but seeing people's reactions to your attacks is priceless.
i though these videos would be betrayals on accident, not just normal betrayals ment on purpose =(
haha i love the ending of the first...i dont know if the crazy kid at the end screaming is for real or if its staged.
"My....finger slipped..." LOL That was great. It was quite obvious he got better by the second one, considering his montage skill was shown in the second one... Great stuff.