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Thats no montage, thats just a match. Montages are a compilation of clips with music, and video editing. *Edit Holy crap good job using the pistol in a sniper game GJ kid. all i have to say is wow... learn to use sniper =| I wish i played agiasnt people who couldn't aim, and stood still.
Ouch... Although I agree with him, you really shouldn't kill that many people with the pistol in a sniper's match. Also, most of the head shots they stood still. I remember a match I had against some really good snipers. They didn't stand still. It was in Valhalla, and I think I literally sniped someone through the ground. I also got a double kill in the beginning going through the man cannon. It was disgusting, and not even my best match.
Man, I wish I was playing this. Everyone was so bad. No offense, but you need to work on your headshots on moving targets
I thought you could only record with capture cards and input camcorders. Great find +1 ^_^ Edit: Ok i made an account and then got stuck uploading my video. I copy and pasted the link form my fileshare to be uploaded then filled in the description and so but the progress bar is stuck at the start, did i do anything wrong?
you don't copy and past here ill show you how it looks it pretty self explanatory Gamertag: YOUR GAMER TAG THAT THE FILE IS SAVED UNDER Name you gave the film THE NAME OF THE FLIM IN YOUR FILESHARE EX: new racetrack or whatever u named it Video Title what do u whant to name it on Gamevee so others can see the title of the video Description (500 characters max) just info on it Tags (hyphenate multi-word tags) like Halo 3 , Gliching , Hacker , Pawning ect Category Just pick wich one you think suetes it best Share leave it alone if you whant others to see (EX: on Forgehub)
No offense but those people sucked. You hesitate loads and you missed loads of shots. Your ok, but you're not good.
once I watched your video i noticed you had potential to be good. When you got headshots you were being steady and aimed calm. But when you were swiping you were missing a lot of shots and most of the time die yourself. I am a great sniper and these are some tips that helped me get better myself.
At first I thought this was a joke. But then I see youre serious (no offense). But a little more practice with objects that are straffing and maybe work on you side-snipes. Most of the targets were staying still, thus, allowing u to get headshots. Overall, youre aight.
honest i just got back into Halo and the controlls are alot different then Battle Field , COD 4 ect and the snipeing in Battle Field is ALOT diffrent then any other game ive played i just started playen Halo 3 Again after along time im just starting to get back into playing it so i might suck at times