not that hard to spawn-kill in grifball, i'm not very impressed by this. I thought you got the killionaire as a result of bomb detonation, which isn't something I see everyday.
The feat is that I ran from my goal and got all these kills, and this last one was right at their goal.
I have to agree with John. It's not so impressive in Griffball. That said, you don't see Killionairs everyday. Grats, but as said, being in Griffball takes away from it a bit.
It was from the bomb. They almost scored, and I stoped at our goal... there was a guy near, And I killed him ran up killed another and so on. I don't lie. I'm being serious.
Still... You have no proof that you simply didnt just use your hammer to get that then quickly pick up the bomb.
I'm jealous, i have really wanted to get a killionaire on social for ages. You must die for joking