Need help getting them FFA Achievements? But always 1 kill short? Then, here is the tips for you. You can get your FFA Achievements in a flash. Here is how it works.... 1. Go To Xbox 360 dashboard 2. Go To System 3. Go To Console Settings 3. Go To Language 4. Go To The Last Language (You Cant Read It) 5. Go Into Halo 3 6. Go Into FFA Ranked 7. Press X 8. Scroll Down To Last One (My Language) (Its In Diff Language) 9. PLAY WITH FRIENDS (But Search At Same Time, And Not In Party, why? Because not many people play this language so you can always play with your friends, even when not in party) 10. Help each other get achievements. The Language will be different so just keep tracking on what buttons you press. I did this today, and got quite a few achievements. Try It Out, As People In That Lobby Do it For Achievements. You only get English speaking people in that lobby too, so thats good. Hope This helped. ;l
sweet advice thanks! i need the lee r wilson memorial achievement like no other so hopefuly i can do it here.
ok first of all that is the easiest FFA achievement possibly, just go to Lone wolves and only try to stick people. You only need 5.
yeah i know it's pretty pathetic seeing as that's the only one i don't have lol. i got it now, but yeah i tried doing it before but it was against like level 40-45s so i could never get more than 1 or 2 sticks per game. the easiest though by far is pink mist.
you must state what level you are, because if you are in between 50 and 32 I can help you, but other wise I cant because I will never find your game.
Only one left? ****, that was like the 3rd one I got! SO EASY! But maybe that's because I'd sacrifice a BR for a Plasma Nade.
I got all of mine legitimately. This way seems really easy and like the cheap way out. Anyways, maybe I should do this to get my fifty that I deserve. That would be nice.
Well this is the really stupid way of getting Achievements, and really who cares if you have a Katana, or Security head....I mean I have all the Achievements, but I was one of the first people to do it, it was cool then, but now its just plain stupid...I really don't care if an 8 year old comes up to me in a game of Slayer and starts saying how cool I am because I have a Katana.... I really think its a little dumb, and also the fact that your cheating to get these simple Achievements, which really proves that you have no life, setting up a deal with other people online, spending hours, just so you could get a few pixels that look like a Sword....
Cheating. No. Honorable. No. I got all mine legit. As for levels, I wanna get 45 before I get 600 exp in Lone Wolf, but I probably will do it honorably, unless I'm invited to a "party." If you're trying to boost your level, make sure, to have everyone have the same amount of kills at the end of the game.
rofl i dont think you understand that this thread is about lone wolves.. and yeah ive seen this. i prefer to earn it, not do it like this. anyways lee r wilson was one of the easiest medals for me to get. swords on guardian. or plain slayer on guardian