hi... sorry i dont know holw to spell the second word. my debate is which one makes people go more insane? i believe its dentist because who the hell wants to be cleening teath all day haveing to listen to that power drill. that would drive me in sane. give me your opions thanks! -mayor of forge
I really don't see why so many people oppose the dentist. Don't you just love that clean feeling in your teeth afterwards? The sucking is a tad annoying though...
I don't really see a professional debate here or one at all. Cleaning teeth helps people......so why would it be taken away?Please explain or something because right now it makes no sense what so ever.
your cleening teach alday. you have no social life your always working and when you get that one kid who doesnt brush and has a cavity and when you tel him he starts to cry. it makes you hate your job. cleaning teach has to be the most boring job out there. its a fact sofar that they have the most suicideal rate!
Out of context ftw! This is not a debate, it breaks rule 2. This is completely based on opinions, this will be locked soon. Sorry if I sound harsh.