I am making a map in Forge that requires stairs to be merged about half way into the floor. I set up guides to try and keep it straight, but no matter what I try I can't seem to get the stairs to stay at the proper angle after they have been forced through the floor. Does anyone know how to do this properly?
Does that work for actually pushing it into the floor? Because I need the top of the stairs to line up with a single box that has been half way geo-merged with the floor.
Yes, and as the stairs sink into the floor, be sure to relocate them upwards on the object. Oh, and it's probably a good idea to use a geomerged box as the guide for the stairs' tallest point - that way the stairs are less liable to tilt forward or backward once they've gotten under the ground. If you'd like some help, my GT is Forgotten Wing. I've actually geomerged a few staircases in my latest map with relatively high success, and so would be glad to offer you a hand (granted, said map is only available on my fileshare as of yet, because I haven't gotten the opportunity to get a large group of players to help me test it, and so haven't been able to get the screenshots I'd need to post it up here).
Well, the question here seems to be answered, if you need further help, feel free to PM a premium as i'm sure they will be happy to spread their forging knowledge.